Greenwood Clubs, Organizations & Churches

GGreenwood Clubs and Organizations
November, 2017 GREENWOOD, BC (BG)
While officially the 'smallest city in Canada', Greenwood B.C. has many clubs and social organizations that represent an active, creative and caring population. Following are just some of our community and social groups:
Greenwood Board of Trade
Greenwood Boundary ATV Club
Greenwood Community Association
Greenwood Legacy Group
Greenwood Seniors Center
Kettle River Art Club
Red Hat Ladies
The Churches of Greenwood
Greenwood Boundary ATV Club
Greenwood Community Association
Greenwood Legacy Group
Greenwood Seniors Center
Kettle River Art Club
Red Hat Ladies
The Churches of Greenwood
Greenwood Board of Trade

Mission Statement: The object of the Greenwood Board of Trade shall be to promote and improve trade, commerce and the economic, civic and social welfare of the District. Any reputable person, directly or indirectly engaged or interested in trade, commerce or the economic and social welfare of the District, shall be eligible for membership in the Board.
The Greenwood Board of Trade was incorporated in 1899, just two years after the City of Greenwood itself was incorporated. Boards of Trade pre-date Chambers of Commerce, although they carry out exactly the same functions and operate under the same 'Boards of Trade Act'. There are only a handful of BOT's left in British Columbia, in Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey, Richmond, and in Greenwood officially the smallest city of Canada! All other towns and cities in the province are represented by Chambers of Commerce.
The Greenwood Board of Trade promotes economic and community development, networks with local and regional businesses, provides small business support and benefits, and sponsors various local events. Members of the Greenwood Board of Trade are automatically enrolled as members of three associated Chambers of Commerce: Boundary Country Regional Chamber, the B.C. Chamber, and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
Board of Trade meetings are held at City Hall on the second Wednesday of each month, at 6 p.m. The next Annual General Meeting and election of officers will be held on March 14, 2018.
For more information please visit www.Greenwoodbot.ca or phone BOT President, Susan Charnell at (250) 449-5026.
Greenwood Boundary ATV Club

Greenwood Boundary ATV Club
The Greenwood Boundary ATV Club was formed in 2014 by a group of like minded ATV enthusiasts. As a group we were able to form and become a member club of the Quad Riders Association of B.C. (ATVBC) and thus were able to take advantage of the programs ATVBC has to offer.
Please contact: Ed Smith - 250-445-9931
or by email: info@greenwoodboundaryatvclub.com
Greenwood Community Association
The Greenwood Community Association was established to provide a range of community services including the operation of a public library and a community movie theatre and the sponsorship and support of various recreational and cultural activities.
PO Box 556, Greenwood BC, V0H1J0
(250) 445-9900
Greenwood Legacy Group
"To facilitate positive change and create a sustainable community."
Greenwood Legacy Group focus their attention on projects that benefit the City of Greenwood and its residents. We have recently completed a major rehabilitation of the Greenwood Swimming Pool that injected over $100,000 into our community. We support these projects by leveraging grant monies, private donor funds and fundraising events. These events include the Starlight Swing and Swim (an open air dance and late night family swim), several community dances and community BBQ's. We collaborate with other community groups and pride ourselves on being good community partners.
During the time of the Vancouver Olympics, Greenwood Legacy Group planned and executed a community celebration that showcased the local musical talent. Over 300 people attended the Olympic Soiree, a formal sit down dinner for the entire community complete with entertainment and a power point presentation showcasing our residents both past and present. For most in attendance, this historical event reaffirmed our community spirit much like the Olympics did for our province and our country.
We strive to continue our work with a dedicated core group of individuals with likeminded ideas and commitment.
Phone: (250) 443-4124
Box 600, Greenwood, BC V0H 1J0
Greenwood Seniors Center

Greenwood Seniors Center
Greenwood Seniors of B.C. Branch #99 is located across from City Hall. We have 48 members and new members are always welcome.
The Seniors operate the local Thrift Store which is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is run by our volunteers. New members are welcome to join us anytime.
We have drop-in coffee on these days from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Come on out, enjoy a coffee, tea, pop or water and of course, goodies, and meet new friends.
We have Bingo on Wednesdays starting at 1 p.m., just a social outing to get together for a fun time.
The hall has a pool table available to members for $1.00 a day per players.
We have a few fund raising socials throughout the year and we are always looking for any extra helpers to lend a hand if they would like to do so.
Most of all, WELCOME to our little city of GREENWOOD. We hope to meet you soon!
Kettle River Art Club

Kettle River Art Club
The Kettle River Art Club was founded in the summer of 1968, when Vancouver Island artist Robert Wood was invited to Greenwood to give a week-long seminar in oil painting. Shortly after that he moved here and began to teach painting. He and his students became the nucleus of the Kettle River Art Club (KRAC). The group incorporated as a non-profit society in 1976.
The Art Club is located at 1375 Veterans Lane, in the historic McArthur Center. Club members get together on Thursdays, and currently on some Tuesdays, to work on individual and join art projects. The club meets on the first Thursday of each month. Guests are welcome to drop-in for a meeting, or any day the club is open.
Membership in KRAC is currently $30/year. Guests and new members can also opt to pay a $2.00/day drop-in fee, which accumulates towards annual dues.
The last weekend of May is the annual club Art Show, which is well attended by members and other local artists who exhibit their work. The show is comprised of all media: paintings, sculpture, jewelry, textiles, crafts, etc.
For more information, contact club president Charlene Heppner at (250) 449-5213 or by email at: steffanisthebest@gmail.com.
Red Hat Ladies

Greenwood's 'Frolocking Fancies'
Greenwood's chapter of Red Hat ladies is known as the 'Frolicking Fancies'. Originally open to women over age 50, the Red Hats now welcome women of all ages. Members who have attained the fabulous age of 50 wear red hats and purple clothing, while those under 50 wear pink hats and lavender clothing, and all wear purple hats on their birthday.
The Red Hats concept originated in the United States, where the Red Hat Society was created. There is another group in Canada called the Crown Jewels. Regardless of country or name, we all share a sisterhood.
Women join the Red Hats to a reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and enjoy the companionship of on fun-filled outings that often involve food, lots of laughter, and usually quite a lot of chatting. Red Hats travel together to local eateries and other group activities, and take pride in showing up to support local businesses and events.
The Greenwood Red Hats have a wonderful float that joins the annual Founders Day parade, and this year greeted passersby on Highway 3 to celebrate Canada Day.
There are about 20 regular members in the Frolicking Fancies, and we often get together with our sister clubs in Midway and Grand Forks. Regular monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Monday, at 1 p.m. Annual membership is $15.
Each chapter has a Queen and Vice-Queen who organize meetings and events. Contact either of them to come as a guest to our next get-together, or to join the Greenwood Red Hat ladies:
Queen Francine Stringer (250) 445-6734
Vice-Queen Shirley Mu (250) 445-9908
Vice-Queen Shirley Mu (250) 445-9908

Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church
326 Church Avenue
Father Gabriel Chinnaperiannan
Mass: Saturday at 5 p.m.
326 Church Avenue
Father Gabriel Chinnaperiannan
Mass: Saturday at 5 p.m.

St. Jude's Anglican Church
St. Jude's Anglican Church
The Reverend Austin Spry
145 S. Kimberley
(250) 442-5808
Services at 4:00 p.m. (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday)
The Reverend Austin Spry
145 S. Kimberley
(250) 442-5808
Services at 4:00 p.m. (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday)

Evangel Chapel
Evangel Chapel
401 N. Kimberley
(250) 449-1978
Martin Fromme, Interim Pastor
Service - Sunday at 10 a.m.
Food Bank: Karen L. - (250) 584-4164
401 N. Kimberley
(250) 449-1978
Martin Fromme, Interim Pastor
Service - Sunday at 10 a.m.
Food Bank: Karen L. - (250) 584-4164