Santa Claus Was Here
Dec 29, 2018 — GREENWOOD, BC (BG)
A Christmas nightcap from the editor of the Boundary Creek Times:
"Christmas is over, the fun is ended, the work is done. Not for another year will we hear the girlish giggle of the kidlets as they grab their stockings to see what Santa has left them. Not for another year will the good wife have to work extra shifts in order to get up a spread that will astonish the natives. Not for another year will the old man come home in the "wee" hours under the influence of bologna sausage and ginger ale and talk to his better half thusly: Hic Me—hic—ry Chwis—hic—mash, hic, m—y hic, dear, mer hic."
Not for another year will the love-stricken youth take his little bunch of sweetness out for a Christmas cutter ride, for the day of all days in 1907 is over. And who can tell that ere another annual cycle has roiled around, the one we lavished great gobs of Christmas love upon this year may not marry a cross-eyed Chink with a gumboil on his nose and leave us to worry along life's rugged pathway with a perforated and bleeding heart. 'Twas ever thus. As Colonel Lowery once sighed:
We fall in love, the mind's diseased,
And all our senses in a whirl,
But while we hesitate to speak,
Some other chump gets the girl.
And all our senses in a whirl,
But while we hesitate to speak,
Some other chump gets the girl.