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Bird Gallery… New & Improved



Painting by Charles Harper

Aug 19, 2017 — GREENWOOD, BC (BG)

Today we're re-launching the pages of the 'Birds of Greenwood' gallery. Since we first posted the Bird gallery, many new photos have been contributed and sightings of a wide variety of local birds now fill the pages.

The main index has an image for each species that's been sighted here, and the pictures link to full pages for each species, in their broad categories, with full-size images and multiple shots.

By reader request, next week we'll also be adding a sub-gallery for the birds of Midway, so our neighbours can contribute. Hopefully this will grow to encompass the entire Boundary. The Okanagan has become a famous destination for visiting birders, who will be happy to learn about the great population of birds in the Boundary.


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