Greenwood War Heroes: J. Edwards Leckie

The Monterey leaving Halifax for South Africa
with Strathcona's Horse, 17 March 1900
[ Photo: British Library ]
Jul 29, 2017 GREENWOOD, BC (BG)
In our last feature we talked about one of Greenwood's distinguished war heroes, Major General R.G. Edwards Leckie. Today we begin the story of his brother, Colonel J. Edwards Leckie.
John (Jack) Edwards Leckie served as a member of the famous Strathcona Horse regiment, fighting in the Anglo Boer War in South Africa. He was honoured with the Distinguished Service Order for his efforts, and a great celebration was held to honour his return to Greenwood. His brief bio is found on a compendium of DSO recipients (VC and DSO Book), Boer War:[1]
"LECKIE, JOHN EDWARDS, Lieutenant, was born in Canada 19 February 1872, son of Major R G Leckie, Sudbury, Ontario. He was educated at Lennoxville; graduated from the Royal Military College after four years' course; postgraduate course at King's College (BSc); served in the South African War as Lieutenant (16 March 1901), Lord Strathcona's Horse, and Captain, 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles. He was mentioned in Despatches; received the Queen's Medal with five clasps, and was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 19 April, 1901]: "John Edwards Leckie, Lieutenant, Lord Strathcona's Corps. In recognition of services during the operations in South Africa".
The Insignia, etc, were sent to the Commander-in-Chief in South Africa, and presented by Major General Stephenson at Friedrichstad 4 April 1904. He became Captain, 72nd Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, and was promoted Major in the same regiment 30 September 1913. He served throughout the European War from 1914, and commanded the 16th Battalion Canadian Scottish from 1915. He became Colonel, and was created a CMG in 1917. Colonel Leckie was a mining engineer, and was a member of the Canadian Mining Institute and American Institute of Mining Engineers."
The Insignia, etc, were sent to the Commander-in-Chief in South Africa, and presented by Major General Stephenson at Friedrichstad 4 April 1904. He became Captain, 72nd Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, and was promoted Major in the same regiment 30 September 1913. He served throughout the European War from 1914, and commanded the 16th Battalion Canadian Scottish from 1915. He became Colonel, and was created a CMG in 1917. Colonel Leckie was a mining engineer, and was a member of the Canadian Mining Institute and American Institute of Mining Engineers."
Interesting to note that the bio above gives his father as Major R. G. Leckie also the name of his brother at one point in his military career as confirmed by many local Greenwood papers that mention the two were brothers.[2]
Lieutenant J. E. Leckie's military service during the Boer War is well documented, and it will take a third segment of this feature to cover it all. Today, we'll focus on his time in Greenwood, both before and immediately after the Boer War.
At the turn of the century, J. E. Leckie was involved in various mining, business and social activities here in Greenwood. The earliest mention we find of him is in a December 25, 1897 issue of the Boundary Creek Times[3], which mentions him in a weekly reporting of mineral locations in the Kettle River Mining Division.
In late 1898 it was reported in the Times that "Mr. Leckie made a thorough examination of the B. C. mine in Summit camp last week. He shipped two tons of ore from the mine to the smelter at Trail." And in March of the following year it was announced that he had received instructions to work on the R. Bell in Summit Camp, where a force of men were busy pumping out the shaft prior to sinking the mine.[4-5]
Throughout 1899, John Leckie is mentioned in numerous social reports, which give us a glimpse of his involvement in the Greenwood social scene.[6]
Leckie was one of 50 members of the Greenwood Club, which organized smoking concerts and other collegial events, serving on one of their committees. He and friends are reported making trips to the Rossland carnival and a celebration in Grand Forks, and in the summer of that year, he was involved with the horses. From a Times report on June 1899:[7]
"J. Edwards. Leckie and Harry Needham returned on Saturday from Rossland via the Dewdney trail. They report the trail in excellent condition. Upon their arrival a mysterious air and leather riding breeches gave them a picturesque appearance. It is rumored that the riding habits were secured from innocent cowboys who were driving cattle on the Dewdney trail and who turned up missing and the mysterious air was occasioned by the trim little mare which the two horsemen brought with them from Rossland and secluded on Grand Prairie. The little mare is none other than Leckie's famous racer, "55". He expected to keep the matter quiet and carry the prizes during the celebration. The Times' sporting correspondent on Grand Prairie writes that "55" is there and that she is a perfect whirlwind."
The following month, another mention is found of J. E. Leckie's taste for horseracing[8], but this one doesn't make Leckie's "55" out to be quite so speedy:
"A horseman is the most independent cuss on the face of the earth. If he owns a blooded horse he labors under the impression that the audience, the judges and every one else must await his pleasure. His impression is usually correct. The crowd becomes impatient and the judges curse, but the races don't start until the king horseman is ready. It so happened on Monday and is likely to happen until there are sufficient entries to make the owners less independent. The quarter mile run in heats, was scheduled to be run at 2:30 sharp. There were four entries, Sleepy Jim, Dan McLung; Raceland, Dan McDonald; "55", J. E. Leckie, and Rossland Maid, Claud A. Cregan. At 2:30 neither "55" nor Rossland Maid put in an appearance and it was after three before they were seen moving at a funeral pace towards the track. It took another half hour to get them off."
But the year running up to his departure for South Africa was not all 'horseplay'. There are numerous reports in the local paper[9] of J. E. Leckie's activities in the mining industry. A July 1899 issue of the Times describes his work with the Gold Bug mine, from which gold, copper and silver were produced. Leckie was a consulting engineer on that project.
The following month, J. Edwards Leckie and associates were reportedly out on a junket to Copper creek, up the Main Kettle river to explore a rich borniteore strike.
September 1899 saw him traveling to Fort Steele and Republic, negotiating a deal in which he bonded the promising Yankee Girl, Yankee Boy and Bell properties, 3 miles from Grand Forks on Hardy mountain, on behalf of a Montreal group.
December 1899 brought both work and play for J. E. Leckie, who travelled to Chicago and Ontario on holiday with is friend and associate, Ronald Harris.

First mounted review of Strathcona's Horse at Ottawa, Ontario, 7 March 1900
[ Photo: British Library ]
The Anglo Boer War
By early 1900, Jack Leckie's attention had turned to far more serious matters. His brethren in the mining industry were kept informed, with this report in the 1900 edition of the Journal of the Canadian Mining Institute, of which he was a member:[10]
"The Secretary It will interest the meeting to learn that three of our members were at the present time on active service. Mr. Hamilton Merrit, of Toronto, was with Brabant's Horse, doing gallant work in South Africa. Mr. J. Edwards Leckie, of Greenwood, was serving as a lieutenant with Strathcona's Horse, and only that morning he had received a letter from Cape Verde Islands from Mr. Thomas Brown, an assayer, late of Nelson, stating that he was serving as a trooper with the 2nd Battalion Canadian Mounted Rifles, but hoped to return in time for the next annual meeting, when perhaps he would give them a paper on lyddite (laughter)."
From spring of 1900 through the summer of 1902, there were several fascinating accounts of J. E. Leckie's tour of service with the Strathcona Horse regiment, beginning with this report of his deployment on the Monterey (pictured above), along with two other Greenwood men, from the March 31, 1900 edition of the Greenwood Weekly Times:[11]
"Greenwood may well feel proud of her soldier boys in the Strathcona Horse, now on the high seas on the good ship Monterey, bound for South Africa. The Montreal Star compliments this city's officer as follows: "Another thorough-going, good soldier in the Horse is Lieutenant J. C. Edwards Leckie, who comes from Greenwood, B. C. He is a graduate of the Royal Military College at Kingston, and credited by some experts as a man unequalled in Strathcona's Horse for technical military knowledge. He abandoned a lucrative position for his present calling as commander of the West Kootenay troup, No. 2, "C" squadron.
"The smartest subaltern in the regiment" is the tribute paid to him by an officer of the horse. Serving under Lieutenant Leckie in No. 2 troop are also A. W. O'Brien and R. H. Painter of this city. May the "God of War" deal kindly with our boys, who are a credit not only to this city but to the whole Dominion."
"Greenwood may well feel proud of her soldier boys in the Strathcona Horse, now on the high seas on the good ship Monterey, bound for South Africa. The Montreal Star compliments this city's officer as follows: "Another thorough-going, good soldier in the Horse is Lieutenant J. C. Edwards Leckie, who comes from Greenwood, B. C. He is a graduate of the Royal Military College at Kingston, and credited by some experts as a man unequalled in Strathcona's Horse for technical military knowledge. He abandoned a lucrative position for his present calling as commander of the West Kootenay troup, No. 2, "C" squadron.
"The smartest subaltern in the regiment" is the tribute paid to him by an officer of the horse. Serving under Lieutenant Leckie in No. 2 troop are also A. W. O'Brien and R. H. Painter of this city. May the "God of War" deal kindly with our boys, who are a credit not only to this city but to the whole Dominion."
By November of 1900, news of their experiences in the Boer War were hitting the papers here in Greenwood. From the November 14, 1900 edition of the Greenwood Weekly Times we get this exciting first-hand report:[12]
Some Greenwood Boys Have An Exciting Experience
"B. S. G., a member of Strathcona's Horse, writing to the Victoria Times, gives news of at least two Greenwood boys, Lieut. Leckie, who is no other than Jack Leckie, and O'Brien, former teller at the Bank of Montreal. They are evidently having plenty of excitement. The correspondent says in part:
"About 15 miles from Lydenburg, on the Crocodile river. Transvaal, Sept. 3.
-- Since last writing Strathcona's Horse have undergone a daily series of exciting events, not devoid of danger. On the 30th of August the 3rd Mounted Brigade, which is composed of Strathcona's Horse, the South African Light Horse, the composite regiment mounted infantry (under Major Stewart), and the Chestnut Battery, R. H. A., made a forced march over the mountains west of Watervalunten, in order to get on the north, and by destroying a bridge on the railway, prevent the Boars from getting away, hampered as they were by a number of prisoners, taken at various times throughout the war, until the rest of Buller's column could come up.
On arriving at the foot of the mountains nobody would believe that a man on horseback could ever go along the summit, but we advanced some 12 miles with guns (field) and wagons, our object being to blow up a culvert in rear of a party of Boers in Watervalunten. On coming in sight of said culvert, an officer, who was detailed to destroy it, saw a party of men, evidently British prisoners, leaving the town along the railway in the direction of Belfast. Lord Dundonald immediately countermanded the order for destroying the culvert, and returning to Strathcona's Horse, sent Lieut. Leckie (with Sargt. Lockhart, Corp. Grogan and Ptes. Williams, O'Brien, Simpson and McKenzie all of troop 'C Squadron), to proceed into the valley (thousands of feet below us) to find out what the enemy were about. The expedition savored of risk and excitement, for after four hours crawling along sheep-trails, dragging their horses after them, the party found themselves in a ravine on the left of the valley, and a trainload of Boers streaming into the village about a mile from them. To retreat up those steep walls was impossible and Lieut. Leckie, observing a farm house some 600 yards from them, decided to lie low until dusk.
The Boers detrained, took the train behind a few trees and set fire to it. Then they placed some pickets on the railway and road to the south, never suspecting that anyone would attempt to come down the sides of the valley, and Lieut. Leckie's party was actually inside the Boer lines.
At dusk the party took possession of the farm house above mentioned, and a guard was placed to see that nobody left the house to inform the enemy, and our men slept in a house for the first time since leaving Calgary.
At dawn the Boers all withdrew, and Lieut. Leckie occupied the village. The astonishment of the few occupants (non-combatants) who remained in the vicinity may be imagined, and still moreso the advance guard of General Pole-Carew's column, which arrived later in the day, to find Strathcona's Horse in possession. The officer in charge of the above advance guard, on hearing Lieut. Leckie's explanation, said: "Well, I'm hanged, no matter where we go or what we do, you infernal Strathcona's get ahead of us."
Lieut. Leckie' was told by Lord. Dundonald, when he started, to make for any British camp he liked after finding out what he required, so he went to the main body, after assisting the infantry and police in searching the houses in the district, and many curios were obtained. Two days later Lieut. Leckie rejoined us.
The next advance made was towards Lydenburg, and whilst marching along the Crocodile valley we had a hot time of it. The country was far nicer and more picturesque, but very rough going for horses, huge dongas and ravines full of thick scrub, and 4 troop 'C' Squadron, being 'flankers' on the right, experienced many difficulties in keeping their correct distance from the main body. The field guns, pom pom and galloping Colt guns came into action about half way up the valley, as some Boer wagons could be seen retiring up it; a running action with the Boer rear guard was kept up till dark, with little results."
Some Greenwood Boys Have An Exciting Experience
"B. S. G., a member of Strathcona's Horse, writing to the Victoria Times, gives news of at least two Greenwood boys, Lieut. Leckie, who is no other than Jack Leckie, and O'Brien, former teller at the Bank of Montreal. They are evidently having plenty of excitement. The correspondent says in part:
"About 15 miles from Lydenburg, on the Crocodile river. Transvaal, Sept. 3.
-- Since last writing Strathcona's Horse have undergone a daily series of exciting events, not devoid of danger. On the 30th of August the 3rd Mounted Brigade, which is composed of Strathcona's Horse, the South African Light Horse, the composite regiment mounted infantry (under Major Stewart), and the Chestnut Battery, R. H. A., made a forced march over the mountains west of Watervalunten, in order to get on the north, and by destroying a bridge on the railway, prevent the Boars from getting away, hampered as they were by a number of prisoners, taken at various times throughout the war, until the rest of Buller's column could come up.
On arriving at the foot of the mountains nobody would believe that a man on horseback could ever go along the summit, but we advanced some 12 miles with guns (field) and wagons, our object being to blow up a culvert in rear of a party of Boers in Watervalunten. On coming in sight of said culvert, an officer, who was detailed to destroy it, saw a party of men, evidently British prisoners, leaving the town along the railway in the direction of Belfast. Lord Dundonald immediately countermanded the order for destroying the culvert, and returning to Strathcona's Horse, sent Lieut. Leckie (with Sargt. Lockhart, Corp. Grogan and Ptes. Williams, O'Brien, Simpson and McKenzie all of troop 'C Squadron), to proceed into the valley (thousands of feet below us) to find out what the enemy were about. The expedition savored of risk and excitement, for after four hours crawling along sheep-trails, dragging their horses after them, the party found themselves in a ravine on the left of the valley, and a trainload of Boers streaming into the village about a mile from them. To retreat up those steep walls was impossible and Lieut. Leckie, observing a farm house some 600 yards from them, decided to lie low until dusk.
The Boers detrained, took the train behind a few trees and set fire to it. Then they placed some pickets on the railway and road to the south, never suspecting that anyone would attempt to come down the sides of the valley, and Lieut. Leckie's party was actually inside the Boer lines.
At dusk the party took possession of the farm house above mentioned, and a guard was placed to see that nobody left the house to inform the enemy, and our men slept in a house for the first time since leaving Calgary.
At dawn the Boers all withdrew, and Lieut. Leckie occupied the village. The astonishment of the few occupants (non-combatants) who remained in the vicinity may be imagined, and still moreso the advance guard of General Pole-Carew's column, which arrived later in the day, to find Strathcona's Horse in possession. The officer in charge of the above advance guard, on hearing Lieut. Leckie's explanation, said: "Well, I'm hanged, no matter where we go or what we do, you infernal Strathcona's get ahead of us."
Lieut. Leckie' was told by Lord. Dundonald, when he started, to make for any British camp he liked after finding out what he required, so he went to the main body, after assisting the infantry and police in searching the houses in the district, and many curios were obtained. Two days later Lieut. Leckie rejoined us.
The next advance made was towards Lydenburg, and whilst marching along the Crocodile valley we had a hot time of it. The country was far nicer and more picturesque, but very rough going for horses, huge dongas and ravines full of thick scrub, and 4 troop 'C' Squadron, being 'flankers' on the right, experienced many difficulties in keeping their correct distance from the main body. The field guns, pom pom and galloping Colt guns came into action about half way up the valley, as some Boer wagons could be seen retiring up it; a running action with the Boer rear guard was kept up till dark, with little results."
By the spring of 1901, Lieutenant Leckie was back on Canadian soil, as reported on March 28th by the Greenwood Weekly Times:[13]
"Lieut. Jack Leckie, of Strthacona's Horse, passed through Winnipeg on Monday last and is daily expected in the city. His name has been frequently mentioned in the dispatches for bravery at the front. He was one of three to accept the colors from His Majesty the King, when he met the brave Canadians in London. Lieut. Leckie should receive a rousing reception from the citizens of Greenwood."
Five months later, J. E. Leckie returned home to Greenwood and did indeed enjoy a hero's welcome, described in the April 4, 1901 issue of the Greenwood Weekly Times:[14]
Lieut. Leckie, of Strathcona's Reaches Greenwood,
A Popular Officer—The Other Greenwood Boys Did Well—A Story of a Sword Presentation
"Jackie de Leek" is home, officially it is Lieutenant Leckie of Strathcona's Horse, the Greenwood hero of the South African war, a wearer of medals, chosen from many to receive the colors from King Edward VII, the idol of his men, but Greenwood received him as Jack Leckie or more familarly "Jackie de Leek." He reached the city on the Saturday accompanied by his brother, Major Leckie, of Republic. He was met at the station by a large number of friends who took him in hand and did everything to demonstrate that Greenwood was proud of him.
While Lieutenant Leckie relates many stirring incidents of the South African campaign his story is marred by his modesty. One has to go to superior officers and his men to discover that he was one of the pluckiest and most efficient officer in that grand body of Canadians who have won the plaudits of the entire British Empire and the admiration of their doughty opponents. Returning members of Strathcona's Horse who have reached Vernon, Fairview, Fort Steele and elsewhere are loud in their praise of their officer, Lieutenant Leckie.
In speaking to a Times representative Lieutenant Leckie gave information concerning the other Greenwood boys who joined Strathcona's Horse. Bob Palmer was wounded in the foot at Geluk Farm last fall and invalided home. Lieut. Leckie saw him in London fully recovered and he was looking for a commission in the South African constabulary which he was likely to receive. O'Brien, teller at the Bank of Montreal here was shot through the arm last December. He also recovered and came home with the troop, remaining at Montreal where he will again join the bank's staff. Alex Shaw, a nephew of C. Æ Shaw of this city, escaped free and will join the South African constabulary.
Lieut. Leckie is loud in his praise of his men all of whom were from Kootenay and Boundary. They had pluck, grit and brains and any success that was obtained was due to their efforts. The troop were kept scouting the greater portion of the time they were in South Africa and while they were in but few heavy battles they were furnished with plenty of excitement and hard work. Lieutenant Leckie has many trophies of the war, among them a rifle taken from a wounded Boer. He also prizes a handsome sword presented to him by the members of the Canadian Mining Institute before his departure for South Africa.
In connection with the presentation of this sword a good story comes from the east. Says the New York Tribune: "Richard Alexander, of Montreal, in speaking the other day at the Waldorf Astoria on the part taken by the Canadian troops in the Boer war, told an amusing story." One of the lieutenants in Strathcona's Horse," said Mr. Alexander, "was a great friend of mine named Jack Lecky. Strathcona's Horse, as you know, made a great record for themselves. Lecky got a D. S. O. (Distinguished Service Order), and he it was who was selected to receive the colors presented by King Edward VII. When Strathcona's Horse were about to depart the Canadian Institute of Mining Engineers, of which Lecky was a distinguished member, determined to present him with a sword. The idea met with instantaneous and enthusiastic approval when it was first suggested, and the subscriptions were correspondingly liberal as a consequence. The sword purchased was a very handsome one, and it was determined to make the presentation of it an event. But the best laid plans 'gang aft agley,' and so it was on this occasion. On the evening selected for the ceremony the committee formed themselves together properly, befrock coated and-coated and all ready to hand over the sword a full hour before the time set for that event.
"The anxiety to do the thing properly that got them together an hour too early was the very thing that led to their undoing. Time hung heavily on their hands, and in a fatal moment the rash suggestion was made that taking a drink would be an agreeable way to pass the time. Indeed, so successful did the idea prove to be as a time-killer that Lecky, the sword and the reason why they were together passed for the nonce out of the united mind of the committee. Nine came and went and Lecky waited. Finally, the sword not coming to him, he went to the sword, that is, he started to go to the sword, but got no further than joining the party, when straightway that strange forgetfulness of the why and wherefore of their being together on that particular occasion overcame him also, and he gave no further thought to the sword.
B. T. A. Bell had been chosen to present the weapon to Lecky, and during the festivities where he went the weapon went too. The evening waxed and waned, and the party broke up into groups. A friendly scuffle ensued, in which Bell's frock coat was split up the back. He said afterward that to save the sword he lost his coat. He couldn't use his hands because of guarding the sword, and that was why his raiment was rent.
After this catastrophe Bell concluded that the proper time had at length arrived to pull off the presentation, and he proceeded to do it in style. Waving the sword over his head he danced up to a group, 'Is Jack Lecky here?' he demanded. 'He is,' responded the owner of the name. Then, Jack' said Bell, cheerfully, as he handed over the cause of all the trouble, take your blankety blank sword, for I'm tired of carrying it round. After so formal and ceremonious a christening Lecky could do naught but put it to the good use he did in South Africa. Lieut. Leckie left on Monday for Republic where he will remain for sometime."
Lieut. Leckie, of Strathcona's Reaches Greenwood,
A Popular Officer—The Other Greenwood Boys Did Well—A Story of a Sword Presentation
"Jackie de Leek" is home, officially it is Lieutenant Leckie of Strathcona's Horse, the Greenwood hero of the South African war, a wearer of medals, chosen from many to receive the colors from King Edward VII, the idol of his men, but Greenwood received him as Jack Leckie or more familarly "Jackie de Leek." He reached the city on the Saturday accompanied by his brother, Major Leckie, of Republic. He was met at the station by a large number of friends who took him in hand and did everything to demonstrate that Greenwood was proud of him.
While Lieutenant Leckie relates many stirring incidents of the South African campaign his story is marred by his modesty. One has to go to superior officers and his men to discover that he was one of the pluckiest and most efficient officer in that grand body of Canadians who have won the plaudits of the entire British Empire and the admiration of their doughty opponents. Returning members of Strathcona's Horse who have reached Vernon, Fairview, Fort Steele and elsewhere are loud in their praise of their officer, Lieutenant Leckie.
In speaking to a Times representative Lieutenant Leckie gave information concerning the other Greenwood boys who joined Strathcona's Horse. Bob Palmer was wounded in the foot at Geluk Farm last fall and invalided home. Lieut. Leckie saw him in London fully recovered and he was looking for a commission in the South African constabulary which he was likely to receive. O'Brien, teller at the Bank of Montreal here was shot through the arm last December. He also recovered and came home with the troop, remaining at Montreal where he will again join the bank's staff. Alex Shaw, a nephew of C. Æ Shaw of this city, escaped free and will join the South African constabulary.
Lieut. Leckie is loud in his praise of his men all of whom were from Kootenay and Boundary. They had pluck, grit and brains and any success that was obtained was due to their efforts. The troop were kept scouting the greater portion of the time they were in South Africa and while they were in but few heavy battles they were furnished with plenty of excitement and hard work. Lieutenant Leckie has many trophies of the war, among them a rifle taken from a wounded Boer. He also prizes a handsome sword presented to him by the members of the Canadian Mining Institute before his departure for South Africa.
In connection with the presentation of this sword a good story comes from the east. Says the New York Tribune: "Richard Alexander, of Montreal, in speaking the other day at the Waldorf Astoria on the part taken by the Canadian troops in the Boer war, told an amusing story." One of the lieutenants in Strathcona's Horse," said Mr. Alexander, "was a great friend of mine named Jack Lecky. Strathcona's Horse, as you know, made a great record for themselves. Lecky got a D. S. O. (Distinguished Service Order), and he it was who was selected to receive the colors presented by King Edward VII. When Strathcona's Horse were about to depart the Canadian Institute of Mining Engineers, of which Lecky was a distinguished member, determined to present him with a sword. The idea met with instantaneous and enthusiastic approval when it was first suggested, and the subscriptions were correspondingly liberal as a consequence. The sword purchased was a very handsome one, and it was determined to make the presentation of it an event. But the best laid plans 'gang aft agley,' and so it was on this occasion. On the evening selected for the ceremony the committee formed themselves together properly, befrock coated and-coated and all ready to hand over the sword a full hour before the time set for that event.
"The anxiety to do the thing properly that got them together an hour too early was the very thing that led to their undoing. Time hung heavily on their hands, and in a fatal moment the rash suggestion was made that taking a drink would be an agreeable way to pass the time. Indeed, so successful did the idea prove to be as a time-killer that Lecky, the sword and the reason why they were together passed for the nonce out of the united mind of the committee. Nine came and went and Lecky waited. Finally, the sword not coming to him, he went to the sword, that is, he started to go to the sword, but got no further than joining the party, when straightway that strange forgetfulness of the why and wherefore of their being together on that particular occasion overcame him also, and he gave no further thought to the sword.
B. T. A. Bell had been chosen to present the weapon to Lecky, and during the festivities where he went the weapon went too. The evening waxed and waned, and the party broke up into groups. A friendly scuffle ensued, in which Bell's frock coat was split up the back. He said afterward that to save the sword he lost his coat. He couldn't use his hands because of guarding the sword, and that was why his raiment was rent.
After this catastrophe Bell concluded that the proper time had at length arrived to pull off the presentation, and he proceeded to do it in style. Waving the sword over his head he danced up to a group, 'Is Jack Lecky here?' he demanded. 'He is,' responded the owner of the name. Then, Jack' said Bell, cheerfully, as he handed over the cause of all the trouble, take your blankety blank sword, for I'm tired of carrying it round. After so formal and ceremonious a christening Lecky could do naught but put it to the good use he did in South Africa. Lieut. Leckie left on Monday for Republic where he will remain for sometime."
One week after this report, the Weekly Times announced that Lieut. J. Leckie had just returned from visiting his brother, Major Leckie, in Republic. [15]
In June 1901, the Weekly Times reported[16] that Lieut. Leckie had received a letter from his old friend, Ronald Harris. (The two had travelled to Chicago for Christmas, 1899.) It appears that Harris also followed his friend to Africa, but on business rather than military service:
"Lieut. Leckie D, S.O. has received a letter from Ronald Harris, the well known mining engineer who is at Mossamides, Portugese West Africa. He is engineer for Messrs. Harrison & Barchard who at one time owned the B. C. Mine. They are investigating the placer wealth of that country. Mr. Harris is not in love with the country and intends to return in a short time."
Some years later, in October 1909, Jack Leckie would travel to London, England to be best man at Ronald Harris' wedding.[17]
Another interesting event on the timeline in the J. E. Leckie story is a report filed in the July 4, 1902 issue of the Boundary Creek Times:[18]
"Duncan Mcintosh has received a letter from Capt. J. Edward Leckie of the fourth contingent written from the hospital in Johannesburg. Capt. Leckie had been ill with enteric fever but was rapidly recovering when the letter was written. His brother R. G. Edward Leckie was also down with enteric fever."
We have no other record of Lieutenant Leckie traveling back to South Africa after his return and hero's welcome in Greenwood, although in our first segment, there was mention that John's brother, Major R. G. E. Leckie did return to duty there. Perhaps both did, although it's also possible that war-time mail arrived home in Greenwood later than the soldier himself. We do know that in September 1902, a Certificate of Improvements notice was filed in J. E. Leckie's name for three mining claims in the Kettle River division.[19] Of course, this could have been done on his behalf by a local representative.
We close this segment with one final letter, written by John Meklejohn of Greenwood, while on duty in South Africa. His letter, written April 18th, was published in the June 06, 1902 edition of the Boundary Creek Times[20] and may also be evidence that J. E. Leckie returned to fight the Boers, and again conducted himself with distinction.
From South Africa.
Interesting Letter From one of the Greenwood Boys.
"R. K. Stevens has received a very interesting letter from John Meklejohn who left Greenwood for South Africa some time ago. The letter was written at Klerksdorp on April 18th. Extracts are given below
* * * We got into this camp the day before yesterday and I was pleased indeed to hear from you. I retailed the news it contained to the other Greenwood boys and they were keenly appreciative.
We have been working very hard since coming to this district, being kept constantly on the march, sleeping out in the cold and wet, sometimes without blankets and very often with short rations. The hardships have already weeded out all those men who are unfit for the life and the work is certainly deadly to the horses. Two horses have died with me from over-riding, and it is safe to say there are few horses I will not kill if we continue to have as many long rides. The first one which died with me was on a midnight gallop of fifty miles or so which was made across country, my horse played out and was unable to go further, so after the column had passed me I had to kill it. It was half moonlight and I had no idea of the direction where our men had gone. I was alone there on the veldt in a part infested by Boers, and I could hear the cracking of their Mausers behind me, as they sniped and captured other stragglers so I can tell you I would have been more easy-minded if in Greenwood for a while.
I dodged everything suspicious however and after a twelve mile walk joined the column as they were making a capture of some thirty Boers and 800 cattle. I got another horse and made camp with them. After that adventure we had other marches acting as escort to convoys etc., and then we started out on a drive. We got into it this time as we met the Boers in force under Delarey at a place called Bosch-poort. They certainly were very clever in their tactics with us, they had a light convoy of cape carts and when we first saw their dust chase was made immediately and soon we could hear our pom poms open on them. We got up with them soon, but there was no sign of any force of Boers.
There were stragglers on the skyline certainly and our flankers and rear guards were left to skirmish with them while we fixed camp, our horses being played out. A number of us were eating lunch thinking the enemy had gracefully retired when a shell landed right in among our horses. I made a run for cover with rifle in one hand and biscuit and marmalade in the other. Soon the shells came in fast, luckily however few of them burst, and then on each flank and rear the rifle fireing became pretty hot and we could see the Boers advancing in open order firing as they came beating back our flankers and rearguard. I was on the west flank out of the camp under our 15 lb. gun and I had a few rounds of firing at 1200 yds.
The fire from our men was too warm for the Boers and after two hours of fighting they retired. As the fire slackened I had an opportunity to look around me. A number were hit in my vicinity although the cover was good, but considering the amount of shooting that was done there was comparatively little to show in our camp as a result most of those of our men who were wounded and killed were the flankers and rearguard who were fighting outside the camp. We had a number horses lying dead. One next to mine was stretched out, and the general scene of confusion is hard to describe, hover-sacks and all different articles of kit were strewn about the ground everywhere. Saddles were fringed round in disorder on the rear of the camp where they had been used as a kind of defence. To make things worse it rained heavily. Some kind of order was soon made however and before dark trenches were dug all around the camp in which we slept with one eye open in case of another attack.
A great portion of the leisure moments of the next day was occupied by each man giving his own description of the actions and particular attention was paid to descriptions of narrow escapes. A number of course had escapes which never occurred but there were some who had proof to show. Wollastou of Grand Forks for instance had a bullet through the rim of his hat and Freddy Gladden was hit on his bondolier the bullet gliding along it up his back, leaving him intact. None of the Greenwood boys were hurt and all behaved excently. Jack Leckie was one of the few officers who showed himself to be a fit leader and he was simply fearless under fire.
Remember me to all the good people of Greenwood,"
John Meiklejohn
Interesting Letter From one of the Greenwood Boys.
"R. K. Stevens has received a very interesting letter from John Meklejohn who left Greenwood for South Africa some time ago. The letter was written at Klerksdorp on April 18th. Extracts are given below
* * * We got into this camp the day before yesterday and I was pleased indeed to hear from you. I retailed the news it contained to the other Greenwood boys and they were keenly appreciative.
We have been working very hard since coming to this district, being kept constantly on the march, sleeping out in the cold and wet, sometimes without blankets and very often with short rations. The hardships have already weeded out all those men who are unfit for the life and the work is certainly deadly to the horses. Two horses have died with me from over-riding, and it is safe to say there are few horses I will not kill if we continue to have as many long rides. The first one which died with me was on a midnight gallop of fifty miles or so which was made across country, my horse played out and was unable to go further, so after the column had passed me I had to kill it. It was half moonlight and I had no idea of the direction where our men had gone. I was alone there on the veldt in a part infested by Boers, and I could hear the cracking of their Mausers behind me, as they sniped and captured other stragglers so I can tell you I would have been more easy-minded if in Greenwood for a while.
I dodged everything suspicious however and after a twelve mile walk joined the column as they were making a capture of some thirty Boers and 800 cattle. I got another horse and made camp with them. After that adventure we had other marches acting as escort to convoys etc., and then we started out on a drive. We got into it this time as we met the Boers in force under Delarey at a place called Bosch-poort. They certainly were very clever in their tactics with us, they had a light convoy of cape carts and when we first saw their dust chase was made immediately and soon we could hear our pom poms open on them. We got up with them soon, but there was no sign of any force of Boers.
There were stragglers on the skyline certainly and our flankers and rear guards were left to skirmish with them while we fixed camp, our horses being played out. A number of us were eating lunch thinking the enemy had gracefully retired when a shell landed right in among our horses. I made a run for cover with rifle in one hand and biscuit and marmalade in the other. Soon the shells came in fast, luckily however few of them burst, and then on each flank and rear the rifle fireing became pretty hot and we could see the Boers advancing in open order firing as they came beating back our flankers and rearguard. I was on the west flank out of the camp under our 15 lb. gun and I had a few rounds of firing at 1200 yds.
The fire from our men was too warm for the Boers and after two hours of fighting they retired. As the fire slackened I had an opportunity to look around me. A number were hit in my vicinity although the cover was good, but considering the amount of shooting that was done there was comparatively little to show in our camp as a result most of those of our men who were wounded and killed were the flankers and rearguard who were fighting outside the camp. We had a number horses lying dead. One next to mine was stretched out, and the general scene of confusion is hard to describe, hover-sacks and all different articles of kit were strewn about the ground everywhere. Saddles were fringed round in disorder on the rear of the camp where they had been used as a kind of defence. To make things worse it rained heavily. Some kind of order was soon made however and before dark trenches were dug all around the camp in which we slept with one eye open in case of another attack.
A great portion of the leisure moments of the next day was occupied by each man giving his own description of the actions and particular attention was paid to descriptions of narrow escapes. A number of course had escapes which never occurred but there were some who had proof to show. Wollastou of Grand Forks for instance had a bullet through the rim of his hat and Freddy Gladden was hit on his bondolier the bullet gliding along it up his back, leaving him intact. None of the Greenwood boys were hurt and all behaved excently. Jack Leckie was one of the few officers who showed himself to be a fit leader and he was simply fearless under fire.
Remember me to all the good people of Greenwood,"
John Meiklejohn
In our third and final installment in this series, we will give a detailed history of J. E. Leckie's service in the Boer War, about which many fascinating memoirs are found.

Cap Badge worn by Lord Strathcona Horse regimentals
[1] Bio of Lieutenant J. E. Leckie
[2] Boundary Creek Times Dec 27, 1901, p. 4; Greenwood Weekly Times Apr 04, 1901, p. 1; Greenwood Weekly Times Apr 11, 1901, p. 4
[3] Boundary Creek Times Dec 25, 1897, p. 9
[4] Boundary Creek Times 1898
[5] Boundary Creek Times Mar 29, 1899, p. 6
[6] Boundary Creek Times Jan 14, 1899, p. 10 and Jan 25, 1899, p. 4
[7] Boundary Creek Times Jun 17, 1899, p. 8
[8] Boundary Creek Times Jul 08, 1899, p. 2
[9] Boundary Creek Times: Jul 29, 1899, p. 1; Aug 19, 1899, p. 8; Sep 16, 1899, p. 8; Sep 23, 1899, p. 1 & 3; Dec 16, 1899, p. 12
[10] Canadian Mining Institute Journal, 1900
[11] Greenwood Weekly Times Mar 31, 1900, p. 3
[12] Greenwood Weekly Times Nov 14, 1900, p. 3
[13] Greenwood Weekly Times Mar 28, 1901, p. 1
[14] Greenwood Weekly Times Apr 04, 1901, p. 1
[15] Greenwood Weekly Times Apr 11, 1901, p. 4
[16] Greenwood Weekly Times Jun 06, 1901, p. 5
[17] Boundary Creek Times Oct 22, 1909, p. 4
[18] Boundary Creek Times Jul 04, 1902, p. 6
[19] Boundary Creek Times Sep 12, 1902, p. 3
[20] Boundary Creek Times Jun 06, 1902, p. 6