Green Forest (Greenwood)

[ Map: Atlas of True Names ]
A True Name Map of the West Kootenay/Boundary
In a 2008 project called the Atlas of True Names, maps from around the world were redrawn using the etymological roots of place names (i.e. their original meanings) rather than the current actual place name.
"Etymology, (OGr. etymon "true sense" and logos "speech, oration, discourse, word") is the study of the origin and history of words. For the first time, the Atlas of True Names uses etymology to give us an unusual insight into familiar geographical names — with intriguing results.
Many geographical names are clearly rooted in Man's observation of his natural environment: the physical location of a settlement: "At the Foot of the Mountain" — Piedmont; or the character of an important water course: "The Gentle One" — The Seine." (Atlas of True Names)

Although Canada was included in the Atlas mapping project, the Kootenay/Boundary region didn't feature prominently. In 2013, the Nelson Star began a lengthy series, moving through a long list of regional place names and investigating the history of each. Of course, without consulting any special references, Greenwood locals are already familiar with the legends behind our 'true place' name.
In the title of the Nelson Star segment on Greenwood, we see just how open to interpretation such root place names are. Their article for Greenwood dubbed it 'Verdant timber'. Even in Greenwood we hear several versions of how the city got its name. One story has it that founder Robert Wood looked out over the green forested hills and named it 'Greenwood'. Another version agrees with the 'green' of forests, but claims the 'wood' was in honour of the founder's surname. Yet another version claims it was named after a Denver mining camp.
Officially, the city of Greenwood was first recorded in the October 13, 1895 edition of the Victoria Daily Colonist:
"Messrs. Robert and Hugh Wood, of Armstrong, came up on Thursday's boat last week from a prolonged trip through the Southern Okanagan and Kettle River districts ... Besides becoming interested in several mining claims, they purchased a pre-emption about two miles above Boundary Falls, at the junction of several roads leading to important camps. The proprietors think that a more favorable location for a thriving town is not to be found in the lower country. It will be known as Greenwood city."
In drawing his version of a true names map of the Kootenay/Boundary region, 'basement geographer' Kuschk researched the meanings of various surnames for local landmarks named after people, which were relatively easy to find with Google searches on various genealogy websites. For other names, his sources included the BC Geographical Names database, Kootenay-Lake.ca's toponymy page, and the great armchair reference book,
Kuschk writes: 'Aren't you glad you don't live on 'Pierce the Head Lake' (Slocan Lake; the term is derived from the practice of striking captured fish on the head)? Some names are wonderfully tautological: Rossland becomes 'Headland Land', and Johnson's Landing becomes the rather garbled 'Landing of the Son of the One God Favoured with a Son'. David Cameron probably wouldn't be too happy in Winlaw; that is to say, 'Rule of Labour'). Those who enjoy living on the edge would probably enjoy 'Reckless Settlement' (Boswell), while the quiet village of Thrums becomes even quieter once translated as 'Short Pieces of Rope Yarn'. I shan't ruin the rest of it for you: explore the map and see if you can match the locales to their proper names, or simply cheat by perusing the list below.'
Anaconda: Anaconda
Angel Falls: Angel Falls
Apple Grove: Applegrove
Apple Valley: Appledale
Arrow Park: Arrow Park
Bay of the Crow's Crossing: Crawford Bay
Bay View: Bayview
Beaver Falls: Beaver Falls
Bench of the Learned: Shutty Bench
Bent Grass Clearing: Beasley
Black Hawthorn: Kaslo
Boundary Falls: Boundary Falls
Brilliant: Brilliant
Broom Hill: Brandon
Brown Warrior Lake: Duncan Lake
Burned Area: Waneta
Canyon: Canyon
Cascade: Cascade
Casino: Casino
Closed In: Nakusp
Crescent Bay: Crescent Bay
Crescent Valley: Crescent Valley
Crest Town: Creston
Cross the Marsh: Passmore
Deer Park: Deer Park
Dove Land Gardens: Columbia Gardens
Dweller at the Settlement: Bonnington
Edge of the Forest: Edgewood
End of the Lake: Kuskanook
Exalted Settlement: Bridesville
Fair View: Fairview
Fat Prospect: Lardeau
Fortified Town: Burton
Fruit Valley: Fruitvale
Galena Bay: Galena Bay
Glade: Glade
Glen on the Bank: Glenbank
Grand River Junction: Grand Forks
Green Forest: Greenwood
Grey Creek: Gray Creek
Grove: Eholt
Hall Siding: Hall Siding
Hardy Spear: Gerrard
Hare Valley: Harrop
Headland Land: Rossland
Headland Siding: Ross Siding
High Forehead People: Retallack
Hot Springs of the Owned Homestead: Ainsworth Hot Springs
House in the Woods: Woodbury
Innkeeper: Howser
Kettle Valley: Kettle Valley
Ktunaxa Bay: Kootenay Bay
Lake of the Follower of the Anointed One: Christina Lake
Landing of the One on the Hill: Hills
Landing of the Son of the One God Favoured with a Son: Johnsons Landing
Leader: Sirdar
Lemon Creek: Lemon Creek
Little Blue: Blewett
Little Shield Beaver: Beaverdell
Long Beach: Longbeach
Long Tail: Erie
Lower Arrow Lake: Lower Arrow Lake
Marble Outcrop: Marblehead
Meadow Creek: Meadow Creek
Meadows: Meadows
Metal Barrel Maker Creek: Cooper Creek
Midway: Midway
Mirror Lake: Mirror Lake
Mower: Fauquier
New Dane Ford: New Denver
New Settlement: New Settlement
Oasis: Oasis
On the Way to the Son of the Champion: Nelway
Park Siding: Park Siding
Pass Creek: Pass Creek
Pasture Village: Balfour
People's Army Creek: Fletcher Creek
Pear Tree Siding: Perry Siding
Phoenix: Phoenix
Pierce the Head: Slocan
Pierce the Head Lake: Slocan Lake
Pierce the Head Park: Slocan Park
Place of the Cross: Krestova
Poplar Creek: Poplar Creek
Powerful Ruler's Place: Rykerts
Powerful People's Siding: Tarrys
Procurator: Procter
Raspberry: Raspberry
Reborn: Renata
Reckless Settlement: Boswell
Rice Land Creek: China Creek
Rich Port: Porto Rico
River Valley: Rivervale
Rock Creek: Rock Creek
Rose Mountain: Montrose
Roseberry: Rosebery
Round: Riondel
Rule of Labour: Winlaw
Queen's Bay: Queens Bay
Salmon: Salmo
Sand Hill: Sandon
Shingle: Lebahdo
Shore Acres: Shoreacres
Shore Island: Shoreholme
Short Pieces of Rope Yarn: Thrums
Silver: Argenta
Silver Town: Silverton
Six: Taghum
Small Castle: Castlegar
Son of a Noble Father: Paterson
Son of One Rich in Land: Beaton
Son of the Champion: Nelson
Son of the King: Erickson
Son of the Marsh Dwellers: Carson
Son of the Renowned Famous One: Robson
Son of the Vigourous Forceful Man: Ferguson
South Pierce the Head: South Slocan
Standing Arrow: Sanca
Summit Lake: Summit Lake
Textile Dyer: Lister
Three River Junction: Three Forks
Trail: Trail
Tranquil Hot Springs: Halcyon Hot Springs
Trout Lake: Trout Lake
Twin: Ymir
Upper Arrow Lake: Upper Arrow Lake
Valley of Consolation: Ootischenia
Valley of the Follower of the Anointed One: Christian Valley
Valley Settlement: Vallican
Vine: Carmi
West Bridge: Westbridge
Willow Point: Willow Point
Wine Valley: Wynndel
Worker at the Brewhouse: Brouse
Wren Field: Warfield
Kuschk writes: 'Aren't you glad you don't live on 'Pierce the Head Lake' (Slocan Lake; the term is derived from the practice of striking captured fish on the head)? Some names are wonderfully tautological: Rossland becomes 'Headland Land', and Johnson's Landing becomes the rather garbled 'Landing of the Son of the One God Favoured with a Son'. David Cameron probably wouldn't be too happy in Winlaw; that is to say, 'Rule of Labour'). Those who enjoy living on the edge would probably enjoy 'Reckless Settlement' (Boswell), while the quiet village of Thrums becomes even quieter once translated as 'Short Pieces of Rope Yarn'. I shan't ruin the rest of it for you: explore the map and see if you can match the locales to their proper names, or simply cheat by perusing the list below.'
Anaconda: Anaconda
Angel Falls: Angel Falls
Apple Grove: Applegrove
Apple Valley: Appledale
Arrow Park: Arrow Park
Bay of the Crow's Crossing: Crawford Bay
Bay View: Bayview
Beaver Falls: Beaver Falls
Bench of the Learned: Shutty Bench
Bent Grass Clearing: Beasley
Black Hawthorn: Kaslo
Boundary Falls: Boundary Falls
Brilliant: Brilliant
Broom Hill: Brandon
Brown Warrior Lake: Duncan Lake
Burned Area: Waneta
Canyon: Canyon
Cascade: Cascade
Casino: Casino
Closed In: Nakusp
Crescent Bay: Crescent Bay
Crescent Valley: Crescent Valley
Crest Town: Creston
Cross the Marsh: Passmore
Deer Park: Deer Park
Dove Land Gardens: Columbia Gardens
Dweller at the Settlement: Bonnington
Edge of the Forest: Edgewood
End of the Lake: Kuskanook
Exalted Settlement: Bridesville
Fair View: Fairview
Fat Prospect: Lardeau
Fortified Town: Burton
Fruit Valley: Fruitvale
Galena Bay: Galena Bay
Glade: Glade
Glen on the Bank: Glenbank
Grand River Junction: Grand Forks
Green Forest: Greenwood
Grey Creek: Gray Creek
Grove: Eholt
Hall Siding: Hall Siding
Hardy Spear: Gerrard
Hare Valley: Harrop
Headland Land: Rossland
Headland Siding: Ross Siding
High Forehead People: Retallack
Hot Springs of the Owned Homestead: Ainsworth Hot Springs
House in the Woods: Woodbury
Innkeeper: Howser
Kettle Valley: Kettle Valley
Ktunaxa Bay: Kootenay Bay
Lake of the Follower of the Anointed One: Christina Lake
Landing of the One on the Hill: Hills
Landing of the Son of the One God Favoured with a Son: Johnsons Landing
Leader: Sirdar
Lemon Creek: Lemon Creek
Little Blue: Blewett
Little Shield Beaver: Beaverdell
Long Beach: Longbeach
Long Tail: Erie
Lower Arrow Lake: Lower Arrow Lake
Marble Outcrop: Marblehead
Meadow Creek: Meadow Creek
Meadows: Meadows
Metal Barrel Maker Creek: Cooper Creek
Midway: Midway
Mirror Lake: Mirror Lake
Mower: Fauquier
New Dane Ford: New Denver
New Settlement: New Settlement
Oasis: Oasis
On the Way to the Son of the Champion: Nelway
Park Siding: Park Siding
Pass Creek: Pass Creek
Pasture Village: Balfour
People's Army Creek: Fletcher Creek
Pear Tree Siding: Perry Siding
Phoenix: Phoenix
Pierce the Head: Slocan
Pierce the Head Lake: Slocan Lake
Pierce the Head Park: Slocan Park
Place of the Cross: Krestova
Poplar Creek: Poplar Creek
Powerful Ruler's Place: Rykerts
Powerful People's Siding: Tarrys
Procurator: Procter
Raspberry: Raspberry
Reborn: Renata
Reckless Settlement: Boswell
Rice Land Creek: China Creek
Rich Port: Porto Rico
River Valley: Rivervale
Rock Creek: Rock Creek
Rose Mountain: Montrose
Roseberry: Rosebery
Round: Riondel
Rule of Labour: Winlaw
Queen's Bay: Queens Bay
Salmon: Salmo
Sand Hill: Sandon
Shingle: Lebahdo
Shore Acres: Shoreacres
Shore Island: Shoreholme
Short Pieces of Rope Yarn: Thrums
Silver: Argenta
Silver Town: Silverton
Six: Taghum
Small Castle: Castlegar
Son of a Noble Father: Paterson
Son of One Rich in Land: Beaton
Son of the Champion: Nelson
Son of the King: Erickson
Son of the Marsh Dwellers: Carson
Son of the Renowned Famous One: Robson
Son of the Vigourous Forceful Man: Ferguson
South Pierce the Head: South Slocan
Standing Arrow: Sanca
Summit Lake: Summit Lake
Textile Dyer: Lister
Three River Junction: Three Forks
Trail: Trail
Tranquil Hot Springs: Halcyon Hot Springs
Trout Lake: Trout Lake
Twin: Ymir
Upper Arrow Lake: Upper Arrow Lake
Valley of Consolation: Ootischenia
Valley of the Follower of the Anointed One: Christian Valley
Valley Settlement: Vallican
Vine: Carmi
West Bridge: Westbridge
Willow Point: Willow Point
Wine Valley: Wynndel
Worker at the Brewhouse: Brouse
Wren Field: Warfield
Kalimedia (2010). Atlas of True Names. Preview at http://www.kalimedia.com/Atlas_of_True_Names.html. Accessed 4 January 2011.
Akrigg, G.P.V. and H. Akrigg (1997). British Columbia Place Names, 3rd ed. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Fraser, A.B. and G. Nesteroff (n.d.) Toponymy. Kootenay Lake. Available at http://kootenay-lake.ca/geography/toponymy/. Accessed 4 January 2011.
Jacobs, F. (2008). 334 — The Atlas of True Names. Strange Maps, 7 December 2008. Available at http://bigthink.com/ideas/21387. Accessed 4 January 2011.
Province of British Columbia (2011). GeoBC: BC Geographical Names. Available at http://archive.ilmb.gov.bc.ca/bcnames/. Accessed 4 January 2011.
The Nelson Star, ' Verdant timber: the naming of Greenwood', http://www.nelsonstar.com/community/286622651.html.
Source: Kuschk, C.C. BY 2.0 , excerpt, revised narrative.