Greenwood Enterprises, Part Two

Apr 01, 2017 GREENWOOD, BC (BG)
Today we complete our summary of the business establishments operating in Greenwood in the year 1900, covering the following categories as described in the "Greenwood Mercantile Review":
Druggists & Pharmacists
Sundries & Stationary
Laundry & Tailors
Druggists & Pharmacists
Sundries & Stationary
Laundry & Tailors
Successors to McMillan & Co. Dealers in Groceries, Gents Furnishings, Etc.
In a review compiled not only for the purpose of attracting public attention to the importance of Greenwood as a commercial and mining centre, but to partially describe the most important business establishments of the city, we find some firms, who for straightforward, honorable, enterprising and liberal business transactions, are worthy of more than a passing notice in these columns. Such an establishment is J. L. Smith & Co's., located on Copper street, and dealers in groceries, gents' furnishings, boots, shoes, hats, caps and rubber goods. This house has by honest dealings and a thorough understanding of their business, and the wants of their customers, built for themselves a trade second to none in their line. Their stock is replete in each department. In groceries are to be found a full line of sugar, coffee, teas, spices, condiments, dried and canned fruit and vegetables, specially prepared bottled good of every description, and all table delicacies, flour, hams, lard, fruit, butter, eggs, cheese and produce.
The boot and shoe department, including rubber goods, will be found to contain every requirement of the market, in all styles, shapes and prices. In hats and caps there is all the latest styles and nobby shapes, as well as the more common and cheaper grades, and when it comes to furnishings, the stock comprises every article worn by gentlemen, including every variety of pants patterns, overalls, jumpers, mackinaws, mackintoshes etc. This popular firm have facilities for buying that are enjoyed by but few firms in the west, and are in a position to quote prices that will be a sure guarantee of your trade. Patrons will find the proprietors, Messrs. J. L. Smith & Co., sociable, courteous business men, ever willing to give you every care and attention in showing you through their stock, quoting bottom prices and extending to you every business courtesy.
Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries Copper Street
Among the best patronized groceries of this city there are none that enjoy a more lucrative trade than that of Bannerman Bros. These gentlemen are located on Copper street in the heart of the business district in one of the neatest and well arranged groceries in the city. Here is to be found everything kept in the grocery and provision line and one of, the main features of this house is that all goods carried are of the finest and freshest that the market affords. Nothing but the standard and best trade brands are carried, misrepresenting nothing in all cases giving patrons their personal attention and making prompt and correct deliveries.
There is nothing carried in any first class grocery that will not be found in this place and nothing is allowed to leave the store unless in perfect condition and just as represented, canned goods, sugar, coffee, green and black teas direct from the finest tea gardens of Japan and the Orient, flour, bottled and specially prepared delicacies of all descriptions, hams, bacon, imported and domestic fruits, butter, eggs, cheese, etc. One of the chief objects of this firm is to always supply a superior class of goods for the least possible price, and doing business on the principle that honest, straightforward dealings in all cases is the surest road to success.
Dealers in Groceries, Confectionery, and With Bakery in Connection
As a representative of our reliable and prosperous mercantile establishments, the grocery, confectionery and bakery conducted by M. E. Frazee, calls for special recognition in these columns. Occupying commodious quarters on the corner of Deadwood and Government streets, where is kept constantly on hand a full and carefully selected stock of choice groceries, both staple and fancy, teas, coffees, spices and sugars, every variety of green and dried fruits, canned goods in all their luscious elegance, hermetically sealed goods in glass, condiments and table delicacies of every notable brand. They also carry a full line of confectionery, which is pure and fresh, and from the most reputable manufacturers. There is in connection one of the best bakeries in the city, and a specialty is made of bread stuffs, baked fresh each day. They are expert fancy cake bakers, and are at all times prepared to cater for banquets, balls, parties and weddings, also hotels, restaurants and private families and at most reasonable prices.
The customers of this house readily appreciate the advantage of dealing with a establishment whose representations may always be relied upon, and whose efforts are constantly directed to securing the best goods at the most reasonable prices. Mr. M. E. Frazee is a wide awake and progressive business man, who will keep pace with the city in which he lives, guarding well the interests of his patrons, giving them goods of a superior quality at the lowest prices. He is prompt and reliable, and has built his large and increasing business upon a basis of integrity and honesty, without which no business is an ultimate success.

Copper Street, Greenwood, c. 1900
T.N. Hibben & Co., Victoria B.C.
BC Archives D-00333
H. Stoecke, Prop. Dealer in Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Game and Poultry
In reviewing our leading enterprises in each and every line of business, we take great pleasure in calling the attention of the public to the Greenwood Meat Market, Mr. H. Stoecke, prop. This gentleman conducts one of the largest and best patronized markets in the district, and is at all times prepared to buy cattle, hogs, sheep, poultry, etc. paying the highest cash market price for the same. This popular market is centrely located on Copper street, and here is to be found the choicest steaks, the juiciest roasts and the tenderest chops, at wholesale or retail, which are sold at the lowest prices. This market has become one of the leading establishments in this line of business in Greenwood, as is plainly attested by the daily throng of purchasers who flock there for their provisions. The benefit derived from dealing with this market is that all meats handled are of the best to be obtained, a fact to which is due in no small degree the large patronage enjoyed by this place. Mr. Stoecke, the genial proprietor has had many years experience in this line of business, and thoroughly understands it in all its phases. This market is a model one, and well merits the large and extensive trade it enjoys.
Live Stock and Wholesale Meat Dealers Represented in Every City of Any Importance in Western Canada
What the Armour Meat Packing Co. is to the United States, P. Burns & Co. is to Western Canada and British Columbia. Besides their slaughtering houses located at Nelson, Sandon, Rossland, Cascade, Grand Forks, Greenwood and Revelstoke, they have in Calgary, Alberta, N. W. T., the largest abatoir and cold storage plant in Canada. This immense consumer of live stock has a capacity of 150 cattle per day and a cold storage capacity of 4,000 carcasses. Here the carcasses are stored during the winter months that supply their branch markets (too numerous to mention in this short sketch) extending over all of Western Canada, British Columbia and reaching into the principal cities of Alaska. Besides supplying their own branches, this firm supplies many of the principle markets throughout the entire territory, covered by them. Greenwood being the distributing point and head office for the Boundary district, this firm has a large cold storage warehouse located here and the markets at Cascade, Columbia, Grand Forks, Phoenix, Eholt, Midway and Camp McKinney are operated from here. These gentlemen have gained a very high reputation for their meats and their already enormous business continues to expand. This firm are also extensive dealers in salt and cured meats, which they handle in car-load lots.
The office for the Boundary district and the large retail market located in this city is under the personal management of Mr. Julius Ehrlich, whom patrons will find pleasant and accomodating, and while ever looking on for the best interests of the company he so ably represents, at the same time always willing to grant to their many customers every courtesy and favor consistent with sound business judgment. We will say in conclusion that the broad business principles upon which this business is built is assurance of favor and liberal treatment to all.
Wholesale and Retail Grocer
The most popular and enterprising establishment in the wholesale and retail grocery business in Greenwood and one whose stock is being constantly increased to meet the demands of its fast growing trade, is that of the above mentioned establishment. This grocery has since its inception met with substantial success, and now enjoys a widespread patronage extending throughout this section of the country.
The store is located on Government street and occupies two store rooms, has a first-class bakery in connection, is fitted up in a neat and attractive manner and the fine display of choice staple and fancy groceries therein is unsurpassed by any other house in the same line in the city. Here can be found the finest choice Japan, Salada and Ceylon teas, Java and other fragrant coffees, pure Indian Aromatic spices, the best the world produces, every variety of foreign and domestic fruits, hermetically sealed goods in tin and glass, fine imported jellies, jams, condiments and all table delicacies, both at wholesale and retail. This popular house also has constantly on hand a full line of Western and Ontario cheese, butter, eggs and produce, extra nice dairy and creamery butter, hams, confectionery, etc. This house is by odds the most extensive wholesale dealer in green fruit in the district, making a special feature of this line and enjoying a large trade.
This grocery is a model one and a credit to Greenwood, as our readers will agree with us after paying this gentleman a call. Patrons will find Mr. Crowston a pleasant and agreeable gentleman with whom to transact business and ever ready to give patrons his closest personal attention.
Wholesale and Retail General Merchants, Copper Street
Stores at: Greenwood, Grand Forks, Phoenix and Sandon. James Hunter, president; C. S. Slawson, vice president; C. D. Hunter secretary-treasurer. A. T. Kendrick, manager Greenwood store.
A commercial history of any of the above towns where The Hunter-Kendrick Co., Ltd., are represented would indeed be incomplete without particular mention of this establishment, which is one of the largest mercantile institutions in the Boundary district. This firm are importers, wholesale and retail dealers in general merchandise and in their large and commodious stores are to be found every article known to the trade dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, carpets, hardware, stoves, ranges, tinware, groceries, provisions, etc.
In the dry goods department will be found dress goods all their elegance from the finest silks to the more serviceable fabrics, laces, embroideries, muslins, ginghams, henriettas, notions and novelties of every description and a full line of ladies made capes, jackets and costumes. In their carpet department will be found an elegant assortment of brussels, axminster and ingrains, in all the latest and most elaborate designs. Carpet squairs, mats, rugs, matting, linoleums, oil cloths, etc. In the clothing and men's furnishings department will be found everything the latest, up-to-date tailor fitting ready to wear clothing and all the latest styles, colors and shapes Hats and caps and the most complete stock of furnishings in the city.
The boot and shoe department contains a full assortment of ladies', gents' and childrens' shoes in all the latest styles, both in broad and narrow toe. Here is to be found just the shoe that suits, direct from the most reliable and reputable manufacturers of the east. The hardware department will be found to contain a full line of stoves, ranges, house furnishings, builders as well as miners supplies, cutlery and the largest stock of shelf hardware to be found in the district, they also have in connection a tinsmith shop where everything in the line is made to order and for sale.
The grocery department will be found to contain the full line, flour, sugar, coffee, spices, canned and dried fruits and vegetables. Hermetically sealed goods in tin and glass. The finest of specially imported teas, condiment and all table delicacies. This establishment being importers, buying direct and shipping in large quantities in addition to business connections enjoyed places them in a position to simply defy competition and at the same time to always insure the quality in all lines to be the best. The gentlemen who form the Hunter-Kendrick company are reliable and enterprising business men who have at heart the welfare of the entire district and this popular establishment is well worthy of the large patronage it has always engaged.
Mr. Kendrick the manager of the company and manager of the Greenwood store is a pleasant gentleman to transact business with and patrons will find him sociable, reliable and courteous, and ever ready to extend to as many marked favors as any establishment in the Boundary district.
Dealers in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishings, Clothing, Carpets Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Etc. Ralph Smailes, Manager
In any city the general merchandise trade occupies an important position in its commercial interests and in Greenwood this is especially true. Among those firms carrying a full line of everything worn by ladies or gentlemen the large establishment of Rendell & Co. rank as leader. The commodius and thoroughly metropolitan store has a commanding position and is arranged with due regard to the best display of the immense stock carried for the convenience of both buyer and seller. As for stock carried it would be impossible to describe it in detail, but we can simply say it combines the elegance and completeness of a metropolitan ladies and gents rendezvous. Never in the history of Rendell & Co., has their stock been so elegant and elaborate, as for the fall and winter of 1900, and the exquisite assortment cannot be surpassed and the public show their appreciation by a most liberal patronage.
In their dry-goods, department the ladies will find an excellent line of dress goods, from the finest silks to the common prints. Tailor made suits, jackets, caps and costumes, shirt waists; ready-made skirts, in all the latest shades, weaves, and patterns, choice laces, elegant imported novelties and notions of every description, all kinds of hosiery, underwear, embroideries, gloves, umbrellas, hankerchiefs, etc. This firm also does the largest mail order business in the city and particular attention is paid to this department. The boot and shoe department will be found to contain all the latest styles in ladies', gents', youths', misses, boys and children's shoes from the leading and most reliable factories. This firm makes a special feature of the celebrated Slater shoe which has no equal for the price. The hat, cap and furnishings department is replete; in every particular all the latest and noby styles in hats and caps and every article known to the furnishings trade. The clothing department contains a full line of tailor fitting ready-to-wear up-to-date clothing for men, youths, boys and children, the assortment is very complete and the prices are beyond question.
This establishment are also large dealers in carpets, and in this department will be found a full line of brussels, tapestry, axminster, milton and ingrains, carpet and art squares, floor mats and rugs. Every variety of linoleums, oil cloths, etc. All goods are entirely new for their large and extensive demands having been purchased direct from the original manufacturers and importers and in large quantities which enables this firm to offer goods at better bargains than can be obtained from smaller dealers. Messrs. Rendell & Co. will make a special aim to supply the market for the coming season with the largest and most complete stock in their line that has ever been seen in Greenwood, and it will be to the interest of all to call early.
We will but say in conclusion that the business is under the personal management of Mr. Ralph Smailes and patrons will find this gentleman one of push, and energy, ever alive to the interests of the firm he so ably represents, accommodating, enterprising and ready to extend to them as many marked advantages as is consistent with sound business principles.
Dealers in General Line of House Furnishings, Carpets. Etc. Funeral Directors and Embalmers
In giving a general description of Greenwood and its most important business establishments we wish to call especial attention to the furniture house of T. M. Gulley & Co. This establishment since its embarkation in business has constantly increased its business in proportion to the growth of the city. In their commodious store is to be found everything in the furniture line and this establishment is prepared to furnish your house from garrett to cellar with all the latest designs and styles at a moment's notice. Here is be found china closets, dining tables, sideboards, parlor suits, upholstered in damask or plush; bedroom suits, from the finest to the cheapest; easy chairs, rocking chairs, dining chairs, easels, ornaments and bric-a-brac to adorn the homes of the most fastidious. This house also makes a special feature of picture frames and does an extensive business in this line. They also carry a full line of carpets in Brussels and ingrains, linoleums, oil cloths, etc., as well as a complete stock of bedding which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Baby carriages and push carts in endless variety. This house also has in connection a fully equipped cabinet shop where all kinds of repairing is promptly attended to as well as making a special feature of upholstering and what is of as much interest to contemplating purchasers.
Everything in this establishment is sold at bottom prices. Messrs. T. M. Gulley & Co. are also funeral directors and embalmers and are prepared to furnish hearses and to take charge of funerals and burials and patrons may depend upon the service for the utmost care and most considerate attention. These gentlemen have business connections which enable them to buy their stock so that by shipping in car lots they are in a position to positively defy competition. Visitors to the store will always find the obliging and ever accommodating proprietors ready to extend to them every business courtesy.
W. M. LAW & CO.
Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Boots, Shoes and Groceries
In these necessarily brief sketches of the individual industries we cannot be expected to enter into minute details but to present the chief features of the various houses which in friendly rivalry are competing for public patronage. Among these the casual observer must accord to W. M. Law & Co., a prominent position. Their neat and well arranged store is fitted up in an attractive manner, and here is to be found a complete stock of clothing, gents' furnishings, boots, shoes and groceries. In the clothing department will be found the-full line in every color, shade and style that the market requires for men, youths' and boys.
In the hat, cap and furnishings department are to be had all the latest shapes and nobby styles in hats and caps and in furnishing goods every article worn by gentlemen, shirts, underwear, hosiery, collars, cuffs, ties, suspenders, mackinaws, mackintoshes, gloves, umbrellas, etc.
In the grocery department will be found flour, sugar, coffee, the best of imported teas, canned and dried fruit and vegetables, pickles, butter, eggs, cheese and all table delicacies. This firm buy direct and are in a position to quote prices as low as the lowest. The principles upon which this business is conducted is that of honest dealing, giving full value for your money and finding its emoluments in increased sales rather than increased profits. Patrons will find W. M. Law & Co., the popular proprietors courteous and obliging and ever willing to give them their closest personal attention, furnishing you at the same time with a superior line of goods at bottom prices.
Dealers in Hardware, Mining Supplies, Paints, Oils, Groceries and Provisions
In recording the various business interests of our community, we always take great pleasure in giving particular notice to those firms who, by their active, energetic and progressive enterprise, advance in a marked degree, the commercial industries of our city. The A. H. Sperry Co., Ltd., is established here in the general hardware and grocery business, their large and well arranged stores being centrally located, and are well stocked with stoves, ranges, builders' materials, all kinds of miners' supplies, cutlery, nails, tinware, and a large stock of shelf hardware. In fact here is to be found every article carried in the largest eastern hardware emporiums, as well as a complete line of the celebrated Stephens' paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, etc.
In the grocery department is to be found flour, sugar, coffee, the finest of imported teas, direct from the principa tea gardens of the Orient, Aromatic spices, condiments, hermetically sealed goods in tin and glass, canned and dried fruits, confectionery, eggs, butter, cheese, and all table delicacies.
The A. H. Sperry Co., Ltd., are noted for their honorable business transactions, sterling integrity, and sound business principles, and are in a position to quote prices, either in small or large quantities, as low as the lowest. This establishment is one with whom it is always a pleasure to transact business, and one which has ever been conducted upon an honorable and equitable basis. Patrons will find the management at once liberal and enterprising, and we have no hesitency in saying to the public in general, that The A. H. Sperry Co., Ltd., are in a position to extend to their many patrons and friends as many marked favors as any firm in the Boundary district.
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishings and Millinery
One of the most important business houses of Greenwood and one which it is a pleasure to mention is that of G. F. Williams, whose establishment is centrally located on Copper street. In this gentleman's neat and well arranged store will be found dry goods, ladies' furnishings and millinery, he also has on hand quite a stock of men's, youths' and boys' clothing, hats, caps and men's furnishing which he is closing out at very low figures to make room for his large stock in other lines. His dry goods department is the most complete in the city and here is to be found dress goods of every variety and description from the finest of imported Silks to Henriettas, Ginghams and the common prints. A special feature of this house is ladies ready made wear of every description. Fine tailor made suits, jackets and costumes, wraps, capes, underwear, hosiery, specially imported novelties and notions. In fact here is to be found the most complete stock of ready-to-wear ladies' clothing and furnishings in the Boundary district.
The millinery department is replete in all its details and consists of a complete stock of trimmed and untrimmed hats, bonnets, laces, flowers, feathers, tips, ribbons and all styles of trimmings. This department is under the personal management of Miss Irene McDermott. This lady has had a large experience in this line, having filled the position of trimmer in one of the largest millinery firms in Toronto before coming to this city and has by her artistic skill and superior taste acquired a reputation in Greenwood second to none. Their elegant fall and winter stock is beautifully arranged and consists of an elaborate display of everything of the newest and latest styles from the leading headquarters of fashion, patrons both old and new will always find Mr. G. F. Williams, the geniel proprietor accommodating and ever willing to extend to them a hearty welcome. The honorable business methods always pursued by this gentleman will always insure him the same large patronage in the future that he has always enjoyed in the past.
Dealers in Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gents Furnishings, Queensware, Crockery and Groceries Wholesale Dealers in all Kinds of Liquor and Agents for Schlitz Beer
There are several concerns in Greenwood which, in the handling of certain specialties, have secured for themselves a wide and enviable reputation and done much to advertise our city throughout the country. Of such, the Greenwood Trading Co., Ltd., is entitled to special recognition in these columns as a representative establishment in their line of business. This firm is among the heaviest dealers in groceries, clothing, boots, shoes and furnishings, as well as liquors, in the city. The grocery department will be found to contain a full line of sugar, coffee, flour, imported teas, condiments, spices, hermetically sealed goods, in tin and glass, and in fact every article known to the grocery line. In the clothing department will be found a full line of tailor fitting up-to-date clothing for men, youths and boys. The boot and shoe department will be found to contain all the market requires in every shape, color and style. The furnishing department, including hats and caps, is not to be surpassed in the city.
They also carry an extensive stock of queensware, crockery and shelf hardware. One of the main features of this establishment is their wholesale liquor department, in which will be found foreign and domestic wines and liquors, brandies, Scotch and Irish whiskeys, rum, gin, Bass ale, stout, etc., besides a large stock of native whiskeys and eastern ales and porters. The facilities this establishment have for buying place them in a position to simply defy competition. They are also agents for Schlitz beer and enjoy a large trade in this line.
Patrons will find the managers and proprietors of the Greenwood Trading Co. gentlemen of rare business ability, enterprising, honest and straitforward in all business transactions, and ever willing to extend to them every possible favor consistent with sound business principles.
Druggist and Pharmacist Greenwood, Slocan City
Special attention is directed in describing the commercial industries of the city to the most important and reputable houses in the drug business. One of the most prominent establishments of the kind in Greenwood is that of Mr. J. L. White whose neat and well arranged store is located on Copper street between Greenwood and Deadwood streets.
This gentleman also conducts a branch drug house at Slocan City which is under the able management of Mr. J. A. Anderson, formerly of Manitoba, who is a registered pharmist of many years experience. Mr. White conducted the business at Slocan City for some two years himself before coming to Greenwood, but for the last two years has given his attention to the Greenwood store and has during his business career, built up a flourishing trade, and gained the confidence of the public by his indomitable perseverance, integrity, fair dealings and close application to business, with a view of the welfare of his patrons as well as his own interests. He keeps constantly on hand a complete stock of drugs, proprietory preparations, foreign and domestic chemicals. They are pure and fresh and his stock of toilet accessories, fancy article and druggists sundries will compare favorable with any in the province.
The proprietor's knowledge and long practical experience enable him to meet all the requirements of the trade and profession. The policy upon which this gentleman conducts his business is characterized by liberality and a careful regard for the interests of all his patrons, so that business relations once begun with him are not only pleasant for the time being but are of so satisfactory a nature that they necessarily became permanent and what is more important to the general public, the quality of goods dispensed by this gentleman are in every respect the best and finest. Mr. White is not only in the enjoyment of the confidence and esteem of the entire community but is also in the enjoyment of the entire confidence of the leading medical practitioners.

Copper Street, Greenwood, c. 1900
Druggists and Jewellers, Copper Street
The success of pharmacy is recognized to be one of the most important branches of human activity, the entire welfare of the community depending in a great measure upon the skill, ability and integrity of our druggists and pharmacentists. The most reliable house engaged in this line of business in Greenwood is that of Miller Bros., the popular druggists and jewelers. Their store will always be found to contain a full and complete stock of pure fresh drugs and chemicals, all the reliable proprietory and family medicines, choice perfumery, toilet and bath requisites and all those many articles known as druggists' sundries. The prescription department is under the personal supervision of Mr. M. E. Miller, who is a registered and expert pharmacentist, and this department is perfect and complete in every particular being equipped with the latest improved apparatus and facilities known to that important branch, and the filling of prescriptions are guarded with the greatest care.
This firm are also jewelers, and carry a complete stock of watches, clocks, rings, ornaments and silverware. These gentlemen make a special feature of this department of their business and carry a large assortment of diamonds and sterling silverware, and in this line their stock is unsurpassed in the Boundary district. They also do diamond setting and engraving and this department is under the management of Mr. Geo. F. Miller, a practical watchmaker and jeweler who is now in the United States taking an optical course in the Illinois Optical College, and will be prepared upon his return to thoroughly handle this branch of their business on scientific and up-to-date principles, as he will bring with him the most complete set of optical instruments in the Northwest. This firm carry nothing but the best, and their standing reputation for honorable, honest and straightforward business transactions is a sure guarantee that all goods will be just as represented and at reasonable prices. They also have a jewelery repair shop in connection, where first-class and up-to-date work may be obtained.
The proprietors of this establishment, the Messrs. Miller Bros. are prominent in all financial and business as well as social circles, and it is with great pleasure the Review recommends them to the public as being worthy of your confidence and esteem.
G. F. Craig, Proprietor Registered Pharmacist and Dealer ln Drugs, Medicines and Druggist Sundries
Each business in every town or community is of more or less importance in its particular line. But to the public at large there is no business of more importance than is that of the druggist and pharmist. On their ability and skill rests the success of the physician as well as the health of the entire community. Of the different druggists in the Boundary district there are none that rank higher in their profession as a skilled and competent pharmist than does Mr. G. F. Craig. This gentleman carries a complete line of proprietory preparations and medicines, chemicals, drugs, etc., and everything is pure and fresh. He also carries a large stock, of toilet accessories and those many articles designated as druggist sundries.
This store is located on Copper street in the Windsor hotel building and is one of the neatest and best arranged stores in the district. Particular attention is paid to the prescription department which is under the personal supervision of Mr. Craig. We can with confidence recommend this gentleman to our readers as a conscientious, careful and reliable business man who is in the enjoyment of the confidence of the leading practitioners of the city. Patrons will find this gentlemen ever ready to extend to them every business accommodation and at all times to give them his closest personal attention.
The Popular Greenwood Dentist, Copper Street
There is no profession in existence that is more useful for the good appearance and well being of mortals, than that of the dentist. As much care and attention should be paid to the teeth as any other part of the human body. If not for health's sake, they should be attended to for the fact that no other thing so detracts from the beauty of man or woman as bad as decaying teeth, and there is hardly one person in a hundred who can boast of a perfect set. To keep them in perfect order, a visit should be paid to an experienced dentist at least twice a year, if not oftener, and to no other gentleman in the profession can we more willingly recommend our readers than to Dr. H. S. Simmons, whose dental parlors are conveniently located over Rendell's store, on Copper street.
This is one of the best appointed dental parlors in the district, the proprietor of which is preeminent in his profession, and has had an extensive practice of many years to rely upon. In the making of artificial teeth, and the filling of decayed or broken ones, the doctor has become proficient, and consequently has a extensive practice. Gold and porcelein crowns, bridge work, new metal and aluminum plate, all of which is inserted by the latest and most improved methods. A specialty is made of gold fillings and bridge work, at which the doctor is very expert. Patrons will find Dr. Simmons to be a courteous gentleman, and a pleasant one to do business with.
H. A. KING & CO.
Wholesale Dealers in Cigars and Retail Dealers in Stationery
Centrally located on Copper street will be found one of the neatest and best stocked stationery and cigar stores in Greenwood. This place is conducted by Messrs. H. A. King & Co., and here is to be found everything in the stationery and tobacco line, all the standard works in fiction and history, by the most celebrated author, from the finest morocco binding to the common paper covers, all the latest periodicals, newspapers, etc. These gentlemen also take subscriptions for any magazine or paper published in the world. They are also agents for the Spokesman Review, and carry a full line of fancy goods, office supplies and a general stationery line. They also have in connection, one of the finest stocks of foreign and domestic cigars, which they are prepared to quote at very close prices at wholesale, also chewing and smoking tobaccos, pipes, cigar cases and holders, tobacco pouches and all smoker's sundries, to be found in the Boundary district. These gentlemen have had years of experience in this line of business, and take great pains in assisting customers in making selections of something to read. There is no article known to their line that will not be found in this well regulated store.
Patrons will find Messrs. H. A. King & Co. accommodating, sociable and reliable in all business transactions, ever looking out for the best interests of their constantly increasing trade.
Orders Promptly Gathered and Delivered W. J. Snodgrass. Prop.
A sketch of the most enterprising establishments of Greenwood would indeed be incomplete without mention was made of the Greenwood Steam Laundry. This establishment is one of the best equipped laundries in the north-west, being supplied with all the latest improved and modern machinery for the turning out of all classes of the best work. The managers of this laundry have had an extensive experience in the laundry business, and thoroughly understand the required process to give their product its superb color and gloss which so many laundries fail to get. There is never too much bluing or too little starch, and the finish is unexcelled. All orders are promptly gathered, and delivery is always made exactly when promised.
The proprietor, Mr. W. J. Snodgrass, and the manager, Mr. W. F. Snodgrass, are accommodating gentlemen, and patrons may always depend upon the best of service. This laundry, guarantees to give satisfaction in all cases. They employ quite a force of help, and the superior management of this plant is thoroughly appreciated by the Greenwood public, as is attested by their large trade. We have no hesitency in recommending our readers to give this place a trial, and can assure you perfect satisfaction in every sense of the word.
Elegant Fall and Winter Stock of Suitings, Pants Patterns and Overcoat Materials
Prominent among the most popular and reliable gentlemen devoted to fine merchant tailoring is that of Mr. B. L. Wood, whose premises are centrally located on Government street. This gentleman has long since been regarded as the leader in Greenwood, and the gentleman brings to bear the widest range of practical coupled with the best facilities and influential business connections. He keeps in stock the choicest imported and domestic cloths and suitings, including woolens of all weights, cashmeres, diagonals, worsted tweeds, and suitings in all the latest fall, and winter patterns, shades and textures, and the result is that the most fastidious can here find fabrics to suit them. Mr. Wood is a master of his profession, is noted as a tasteful designer, ensuring an accurate, perfect fit, and finish of honest and superior workmanship. Every garment leaving this establishment is perfect and the best proof of his ability is shown by the permanent retention of the patronage of many of the most prominent and wealthy citizens of Greenwood and surrounding towns. He is now driven with orders from the best classes of the public. Mr. Wood is ever in the van of progress, alive to the best interests of his numerous patrons, and achieving an enviable reputation throughout the trade.
The Greenwood Mercantile Review, Supplement to The Greenwood Times October 31, 1900, pp. 5-8 (excerpted and edited slightly)