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Greenwood Enterprises


Elkhorn Brewing Co.

The Elkhorn Brewing Company at Greenwood, BC., c. 1899
BC Archives #C-07998 (colorized)

Mar 25, 2017 — GREENWOOD, BC (BG)

Today we continue our summary of the fine establishments that were doing business in Greenwood in 1900, beginning with the following categories of business described in the "Greenwood Mercantile Review"[1]:

Beer & Liquor
Horses & Livery
Hotels & Eateries

Portman & Portman, Proprietors, Greenwood

In giving sketches of the representative business establishments of Greenwood in connection with the business history of the city, it would ill become this work to not give to the Elkhorn Brewery more than a passing notice. It is located in the northern part of the city, and is supplied with the most complete and latest improved machinery for the brewing of the best quality of beer, which is considered by all who have tried it to be equal, if not superior to any beer made in Western Canada, being recognized for the richness of flavor and purity of quality, and will always be found to be up to the standard.

This house has always held a prominent place among the brewers of the northwest, and with such a reputation it is no surprise that it has always been a favorite one. This establishment does an extensive business and their trade extends over a large portion of the surrounding country besides their large city trade.

The history of this enterprise is an illustration of what can be accomplished by enterprise, activity and liberality, and it reflects great credit on the proprietors, Messrs. Portman & Portman, who are gentlemen of intelligence and progression, possessing sound business judgment and natural business talent, so that this establishment could not be otherwise popular.

Wholesale Dealers in Wines, Ales and Porters. Manufacturers of all Carbonated Drinks

There is no establishment in Greenwood that it gives us more pleasure to mention than the above. This establishment is located in the southern part of the city, and is supplied with all the latest improved machinery and necessary apparatus for the making of a superior quality of all the different carbonated drinks, including ginger ale, sarsaparilla and the different flavored pop. They are also agent for the celebrated Lion Brewery of Rossland, and keep constantly in stock a sufficient quantity of this company's beer, in both bottles and kegs, to supply all orders on short notice. This firm have conducted their business upon such honorable and liberal principals, using nothing but the most wholesome ingredients in the manufacture of their product that they now have a trade extending not only over the entire city but in all the surrounding towns and villiages, and their drinks are becoming more celebrated and popular with each month's business.

Messrs. McCreath & Co., the genial and ever accomodating proprietors, have had a large experience in this line of business, and are thoroughly posted, enabling them to place the different articles of their product on the market at prices as low as is possible with high class goods. This firm are also wholesale dealers in wines, ales and porter, and are in a position to quote prices and furnish you with as good an article in this line as can be obtained in the district. Patrons will find Messrs. McCreath & Co. gentlemen, ever ready to extend to them all the courtesies of the business, and we predict for this establishment a success well worthy of the untiring energy which has characterized the management from the start.

Wholesale Liquor Company, Limited — R. Greiger, Manager

Among the wholesale concerns of Greenwood none rank higher nor enjoy a better reputation for straight forward, honorable, liberal, yet conservative business principles than does the British Columbian Wholesale Liquor Co., Ltd. This establishment carries the best selected stock of brandies, rye and Scotch whiskeys, wines, ale, porter, etc., to be found in the Boundary district and the large and increasing trade enjoyed for so long by this concern is evident that their business is conducted upon a basis of superior judgement and enterprising and up-to-date management. Aside from this firms large city trade they also enjoy a very lucrative business from all the surrounding towns and villages throughout the entire district. This establishment is also agents for Pabst celebrated Milwaukee beer and the Calgary beer which is an acknowledged favorite, and keeps constantly in stock a sufficient quantity of each to promptly fill all orders whether in large or small quantities. They purchase in car lots and a large quantity of liquors is constantly stored in customs and internal revenue bonds, the public thereby being assured of the strength and quality of the liquors handled which are always guaranteed.

Mr. R. Greiger, the genial and accommodating manager of this establishment has from the start shown himself to be a man of strict integrity in all his business transactions and patrons will find that their business relations and dealings with this establishment will be as agreeable in the future as they have always been in the past.

Feed and Sale Stables — Harvey & Robins, Proprietors

The Palace stables have become the most popular and decidedly one of the best establishments of the kind in Greenwood. The Palace stables are well lighted and ventilated, and in charge of careful stablemen and every care and attention is given to the welfare and comfort of horses by competent assistants.

In the livery department Messrs. Harvey & Robins have a most excellent stock of animals, many of them goers, for those who delight in making lively times on the road. These gentlemen also have a number of quiet and gentle horses for ladies and a great many stylish turnouts such as carriages, buggies, phaetons, etc. They also pay particular attention to boarding horses by the day week, month or year. They buy and sell and do an extensive business in this line. Messrs. Harvey & Robins have had many years experience among horses and are considered great authority upon the noble animals and are fully posted in knowing how to care for them. The popular gentler men are fully up-to-the-times, sagacious, farseeing and have business ability of the first order. They are gentlemen who are pleasant and attentive to all and deserve commendation, for maintaining in Greenwood an establishment of this character.

Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hay, Grain and Feed — Agent for the Brackman-Ker Mills Rolled Oats, Granulated Wheat and Whole Wheat Flour

Among the many business houses of Greenwood, which through hard labor, energy and untiring industry have achieved prominent success, is the Greenwood Produce Co. Mr. G. H. Cropley, the popular proprietor, handles a complete line of all kinds of produce and is agent for the Brackman-Ker Milling Co. This gentleman does a wholesale and retail business and his place is headquarters for; hay, grain, bran, shorts, chopped feed, rolled bats, oat meal, granulated wheat, whole wheat flour, etc., and in this line this house carries nothing but the best.

By buying in large quantities .and shipping in car lots, this gentleman is in a position to quote prices as low as the lowest. Everything leaving the store is guaranteed to be just as represented. Mr. Cropley is perfectly responsible, and has built his large and increasing business by honest and liberal dealings with all. Patrons will find him accomodating and ever ready to extend to them all the courtisies of the business, and to be in a position to grant as many market favors as any firm in the city. Give him a call.

General Blacksmlthing, Wood Work and Horse Shoeing

The above named gentlemen attend to general blacksmithing, jobbing, forging and to the repairing of carriages, buggies, wagons, sleds, etc. A specialty however is made of horseshoeing and we have known men who have been years at the business and could not be depended upon to do it either safely or well.

These gentlemen have had instructions that has given them expert knowledge of the diseased condition of horses feet and which enables them to give the most complete satisfaction in the shoeing of horses afflicted with corns, contractions, quarter cracks and interfering. They use none but the best shoes and nails and give the greatest care and attention to every detail of their work and as excellent men to employ we cordially commend them to all horse owners who want a fair equivalent for their money. They are expert mechanics in the other lines of their business as well and do all kinds of wood work which is constructed in workmanlike manner and for reasonable prices.

General Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing, Carriage Painting and Taxidermist

The above establishment, which forms the headquarters for Mr. T. B. Winnett's business, is worthy of special mention in these columns. This establishment is provided with tools, implements and all necessary conveniences for the prompt execution of all work in their line. This gentleman builds carriages and wagons to order for those who wish a superior quality of work, and are prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing and repairing of buggies, wagons, etc., at the most reasonable prices. This gentleman makes a special feature of trim work which is constructed together in the best possible and most satisfactory manner. A specialty is made of horseshoeing of a superior order, and this gentleman is not excelled in this particular branch of his business either in or out of Greenwood. He can tell at a glance the cause and remedy for crippled feet in horses, and if they proceed from injurious shoeing or natural disease, there can be no better person to intrust with their recovery. He also does all kinds of carriage painting and is exceedingly expert in this, line, using nothing but the best of materials in the way of paints and varnishes. He is also running in connection a taxidermist business, and in the stuffing and dressing of all kinds of birds, animals and skins, has achieved a reputation second to none. This branch of his business is well patronized and they have turned out many fine specimens.

This gentleman enjoys an excellent line of business, and certainly deserves it. Mr. T. B. Winnett is considered by all in and around Greenwood to be a man of strict integrity in all business transactions, and the Review takes pleasure in recommending him to the public in general.

Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, Copper Street. Cameron Bros., Proprietors

Since opening the Fashion for business, the Messrs. Cameron Bros, have conducted their business with so much energy, good judgement and perservering industry, that today they stand at the head of one of the most complete livery, feed and sale stables in the Boundary district, and are noted for having the best service, the best rigs and the best teams that can be found in the country. Their large stables are well constructed with regard to safety, ventilation and cleanliness, and are supplied with all the necessary conveniences. These gentlemen pay the strictest attention to horses in their keeping, and in this respect they always give satisfaction. The Messrs. Cameron Bros, make a special feature of taking care of delivery horses, and boarding by the day, week or month. A corp of men are constantly employed, and teams or vehicles of whatever nature desired will be furnished on short notice.

Cameron Bros. are reliable and most accommodating gentlemen, thoroughly conversant with the details of their large business, and with excellent judgment in regard to all animals of the equine order, and possess the confidence and esteem of everybody acquainted with them.

Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Robes, Blankets. Bells and Fur Coats

A review of our leading interests would be incomplete without a mention being made of the establishment occupied by Mr. M. S. Butler. Dealers in and manufacturer of hand made harness, saddles, collars, robes, blankets, bits, spurs, girths, hackamores, chaparojos and a general line of strap work. This gentleman makes a specialty of manufacturing a superior quality of all hand made work. He is a skilled mechanic and takes great pride in making any special article in his line to order, for people who want something different from the regular line kept in stock, and having had years of experience at the business, gives the best of satisfaction in his line. In addition to the fine and heavy harness, etc., he also carries a complete line of stable and turf goods, blankets, halters, robes, whips, fur coats, etc. There is not a more reliable gentleman in British Columbia with whom to transact business than Mr. Butler. While he quotes prices as low as the lowest, he offers the public work that entitles him to the name of leader in his line of business. This gentleman is prompt and reliable, and has built his large and increasing business upon a basis of integrity and honesty, which has shown from the start that his place of business was destined to become one of the solid institutions of Greenwood.

Leland Hotel

Leland Hotel — Greenwood, B.C., c. 1899
BC Archives # C-08664

Ola Lorstad, Prop. — Located on Silver Street, Greenwood

Everybody knows Ola of the Hotel Ladysmith, and any one who has taken up their abode in this popular hotel will give you a kind and pleasant word for the place. Giving you at all times the best of accommodation, and for a reasonable price, this has become one of the most popular resorts in Greenwood. Mr. Lofstad, the genial and popular proprietor, spares no pains or expense in making this hotel one of the best reasonable priced houses in Greenwood. Each department is in perfect condition, the service is polite and efficient, with the best the market affords, and the sleeping apartments are neat and clean. There is in connection with this house a well regulated bar, where parties who wish may find the best of imported wines, liquors and cigars.

If you visit Greenwood, go and get acquainted with Ola. He will treat you right. He has been a long time in this country and can give you all the information in regards to the place and surrounding country. You will find this gentleman courteous, accommodating and perfectly reliable, ever willing to extend any favors consistent with good judgment.

The Pioneer Hotel of Greenwood — Graham and Parry, Proprietors

For those people who are familiar with Greenwood and her many hotels the Imperial needs no introduction but for the benefit of our distant readers and those contemplating coming to this city we will say that this is not only one of the best hotels in the city but one of the best in British Columbia, The proprietors Graham & Parry are experienced hotel people and are thoroughly posted in the one particular tact of making you feel at home. The proprietors of this house first engaged in the hotel business in Greenwood, '97, in the building now occupied by the Clarendon. Realizing the necessity of having larger and more modern quarters as well as the many advantages offered by their new location they in '99 purchased the present site and commenced the erection of a handsome three story modern structure, and February this year the present Imperial was thrown open to the public. This resort has been popular from the start and today enjoys one of the best trades of any hotel in the Boundary district. The office is large, roomy, well furnished and an old fashioned open fireplace adds much to the cheerful appearance and comfort of the room. The halls are wide and richly furnished. The sleeping rooms are newly and handsomely furnished, well ventilated and models of cleanliness and lighted throughout with electric lights. The dining room is very attractive and the tables are supplied with all the luxuries the market affords. There is a handsome bar in connection where the very best of all foreign and domestic wines, liquors and cigars may be had as well as a fine billiard and club room.

This house is supplied with every convenience. The parlors are always at the disposal of the guests and rooms may be had either singly or en suite. They also have ample rooms for commercial travellers and we would say that this house caters to none but the best trade and is frequented by the best people of the country.

The courteous manners and social qualities of the proprietors have gained for them a host of friends throughout the north west. They make every effort to please and entertain their guests, making them at all times well contented with their lot at the Imperial.

The Leading Hotel of the Boundary District. Col. I. P. Armstrong, Prop.

One of the most popular hotels in the North-west in which to take up your abode is the Armstrong of Greenwood. This hotel is practically a new building and the furniture and fixtures throughout is of the best, and under the personal management of the popular Col. I. P. Armstrong, has gained the reputation of being one of the best hotels in Western Canada, thus rendering it especialy desirable for commercial travellers, pleasure seekers, tourists and business men. The sleeping apartments are newly furnished, carefully attended to, cleanly kept, well ventilated, cheerful and pleasant. The dining room is very attractive, a model of neatness and is supplied with a service that has made this house popular. The tables are all served with the best the market affords; meat of various kinds, fruit and vegetables, all kinds of game and fish in season, pastry, rich creams, teas, coffees and numerous delicacies. At the Armstrong the guests may always calculate on having well cooked meals, as the cuisine is unsurpassed and unstintingly served, with care and attention.

The house is thoroughly modern, being steam heated and lighted with electric lights and furnished with electric call bells throughout.

There is also in connection with this popular hotel one of the finest bars and billiard rooms in the city, and the reputation of this department for the quality of foreign and domestic wine, liquors and cigars is unexcelled. The Armstrong is patronized by the better class of people and all speak in the highest terms of their treatment.

Col. Armstrong, the genial proprietor, is an ideal gentleman, sociable and always pleasant, and treats his guests with courtesy and attention and is esteemed by the frequenters of the house. As a host, this gentleman has proved a success in every sense of the term, and has built up the name and fame of this popular resort.

Hagan & Flanagan, Proprietors

One of the leading hotels in Greenwood is the B. C, which enjoys a reputation equal to any in the city. This hotel is located on Government street, close to Greenwood street, just far enough out to make it quiet and desirable, yet only one block from the business district. The building is a large three-story structure, its office and halls are neatly furnished, the parlor pleasant and well furnished, the sleeping rooms are well furnished, well ventilated, comfortable and lighted with electric lights. Every department is in first-class order. The dining room of the house is in keeping with the high standard of excellence which attaches to the other departments, being first-class in every particular. Here not only the subsistencies but the delicacies of the market are to be found, and the help in each department are attentive, polite and obliging. There is in connection with this house one of the best bars in the city, where is kept at all times a full line of foreign and domestic wines, liquors and cigars.

Messrs. Hagan & Flanagan, the proprietors, are experienced hotel men, whose courteous manner have gained for them a host of friends throughout the entire district. They make every effort to please and entertain their guests, making them feel at home and well contented with their lot at the B. C. Hotel.

Hotel and Cafe — Mrs. E. Dowding, Prop. — Corner Greenwood and Copper Street

One of the leading hotels of Greenwood is the Clarendon, which enjoys a reputation equal to that of any in the Boundary district. This house is now under the personal management of Mrs. E. Dowding, the proprietress, (late of the Lancashire, house of Midway) and has been entirely refitted and refurnished throughout and put in excellent condition. The building is a handsome three story structure, thoroughly modern, steam heated, and lighted with electric lights throughout. The dining room or cafe is neatly furnished, cozy, and exceeding attractive and home-like. The meals are without doubt the best served in the city. The dinners served in English style would do credit to the most fashionable resorts of the east. This popular place has for its guests some of the most prominent business men of the city and is patronized exclusively by the best class of people. Its location on the corner of Greenwood and Copper streets is the heart of the business district, making it especially desirable for commercial men, tourists, pleasure seekers, travellers and business men. The sleeping apartments are well furnished, well ventilated and models of cleanliness. The proprietress of this house is an experienced hotel lady whose social qualities and courteous manners have gained for her a wide-spread reputation throughout this section. She takes every pains to please and entertain her, guests and has that happy faculty of making them feel at home and well contented at the Clarendon.

When in Greenwood give this place a trial.

Copper Street, Greenwood, Nelson, & Sater, Proprietors

There is no one thing more important to the new comer or visitor than the hotel accommodations of the town, and in this respect Greenwood is very fortunate. The Hotel Norden is one of the best moderate priced houses in the city, and has a reputation extending over the entire Boundary district. Everything about the house is in keeping. The sleeping rooms are comfortable, and every department of the house is supplied with all necessary conveniences for the welfare of their guests. The tables are supplied with all the market affords, fruit, fish and game in season, and the cuisine is unsurpassed. The help in each department are attentive and polite. Messrs. Nelson & Sater are experienced hotel men, and patrons of this place will find these gentlemen sociable, and ever ready to extend any favors that will in any way add to the comfort of their guests. We have no hesitency in recommending this popular resort to the public in general, knowing that all will be contented and well satisfied with their lot at the Norden. There is also in connection one of the finest bars in the city, where all the finest of imported and domestic wines, liquors and cigars may be obtained.

Corner of Government and Greenwood Streets, J. W. Nelson, Proprietor

Among the many hotels of Greenwood, and some of them are above the average, there is not a reasonable priced house in the city that enjoys a higher reputation than the Pioneer Hotel, located on the corner of Greenwood and Government streets and conducted by Mr. J. W. Nelson. This is one of the pioneer houses of Greenwood. This popular hotel is well furnished throughout, the office, halls, dining and sleeping rooms being large, roomy, well ventilated, cleanly kept and well attended to. The table is at all times supplied with the best the market affords fish, game and fruit in season. The building is heated with a hot air furnace, and lighted throughout with electric lights. There is in connection, a well regulated bar, where all kinds of foreign and domestic wines, liquors and cigars may be had; there is also an elegant pool and billiard room, and every modern convenience.

Mr. Nelson has had a number of years experience in the hotel business and as a host is a decided success. The help in each department are polite and efficient, and spare no pains in assisting the popular proprietor to make each and every guest perfectly at home. We have no hesitency in recommending this popular resort as well worthy of your patronage. When in Greenwood give them a trial and see for yourself that we have in no way misrepresented them.

And Lunch Room — Werner & Pittock, Proprietors

This restaurant and lunch room being the pioneer place of the town has steadily won its way to public favor until today it stands in the front rank. The location and neat apartments occupied are among the best devoted to the business in the city, everything being fresh and the service first-class in every respect. The bill of fare always contains a generous list of tempting substantials and all the delicacies of the season.

A special feature of this establishment is to serve nothing but the best and the cuisine cannot be excelled in Greenwood. Here is severed the choicest steaks, chops and roasts as well as all fruits, oysters, etc., in season.

The dining room is neat and cozy, the service is very polite and efficient, they also run in connection a first-class lunch counter where customers have their choice of the regular dinner order or short orders.

This place was one of the first restaurants opened in this city and has been open to the public day and night since that time. Messrs. Werner and Pittock the popular proprietors are ideal gentlemen thoroughly conversant with their constantly increasing business and patrons will find them gentlemen with whom it is a pleasure to transact business and who will make you feel at home at the Gem. Give this popular place a call and see for yourself that we have in no way misrepresented it.

Copper Street, Greenwood

Copper Street, Greenwood, B.C.
[Simon Fraser University # MSC130-13417-01 ]

Prof. F. Kaufmann, Prop. — Dealers In Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments

Among the representative business houses of Greenwood whom it is our pleasure to note, is that of the Greenwood Music Store, which comes under our special notice. This establishment is located on the corner of Government and Greenwood streets, and here is to be found the best assortment of everything in the music line in the Boundary district. Prof. P. Kauffmann, the popular proprietor, is a skilled musician and makes a specialty of teaching not only the piano, but the violin and mandolin as well, and furnishes music for all occasions such as receptions, balls, parties, weddings, etc. This gentleman carries on his business with interesting energy and diligence, coupled with excellent management. He is noted for his fairness in all business transactions and conducts his affairs upon the broadest laws of equity. He is western agent for the celebrated Gerhard Heintzman pianos, which is the leading manufacturer of Canada. He also handles the Whaley-Roger pianos, and the Williams and Foley organs, as well as a full line of violins, banjos, guitars, accordians and all string instruments. He also carries a complete stock of sheet music, consisting of all the latest and most popular selections by the most celebrated authors. The public in general are invited to visit this store, and we have no hesitancy in saying to outside subscribers that if you are anticipating a purchase in his line, it pays you to correspond with this gentleman before buying.

Mr. Kauffmann is not only a finished musician, but is an ideal gentleman to transact business with, always sociable, accomodating and ever ready to extend to his many patrons and friends every courtesy of the business.

Photographic Art Studio, Situated on Copper Street, Greenwood

No branch of business has been more rapidly and scientifically developed than that of the photographer. It has called to its cause the most skilled and careful inventions of art. The result is lightening work, perfect results, and the expenditure by the people of $75,000,000 annually for photographic work. Prominent among those who have given careful study to the work and provided the most modern appliances to further their success, with the best satisfactory results, is the efficient artist who forms the subject of this sketch.

Mr. Geo. E. Millar's work speaks for his ability in the highest terms of praise, while his prices for the finest work are the lowest. This gentleman uses the instantaneous process, which enables him to take babies' pictures in the twinkling of a eye. While Mr. Millar makes a specialty of portrait work, he also does outside and scenery pictures. Those who visit this studio will see an elegant display of fine work which this popular artist is turning out every day; and meet an agreeable and pleasant gentleman, who can give you the best of satisfaction. In conclusion, we will but say it will be to the advantage of all to patronize this studio, as Mr. Millar is an artist and a gentleman in the strongest sense of the term.


[1] The Greenwood Mercantile Review, Supplement to The Greenwood Times — October 31, 1900, pp. 5-8 (excerpted and edited slightly)


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