Greenwood's Commercial History

The Greenwood Liquor and Tobacco Store, c. 1906
BC Archives #I-68757
Mar 18, 2017 GREENWOOD, BC (BG)
To continue our summary of the establishments that existed in Greenwood in 1900, today we'll begin to cover the retail businesses, beginning with this grandiloquent introduction from the "Greenwood Mercantile Review"[1]:
"…To give final emphasis to the grand truths concerning the importance of the trade, commerce and manufacturing of Greenwood and to the country at large, we now ask the privilege of introducing to all our readers the representative business establishments of the city. And in so doing, we flatter ourselves that a more satisfactory leave taking could not be conceived, for unquestionably there must be a strong desire on the part of those into whose hands these papers fall, to become more thoroughly familiar with the individual character of a community that evinces such a spirit of modern day progressiveness and courageously pushes aside every obstacle that dares to obstruct the fruition of its ambition to become prominent through the arts of peace and industry."
Following are descriptions of circa 1900 Greenwood enterprises in the categories of:
Real Estate
Banking & Finance
Building Supplies
Building Trades
Banking & Finance
Building Supplies
Building Trades
The commercial history of Greenwood is fascinating, from many points of view. Local publications and information available at the Greenwood Museum help us to identify which buildings some of these early businesses were housed in. Descriptions like the ones that follow, about the companies who supplied building materials, services and trades, give us a rich look back at how Greenwood grew from a raw townsite to become the beautiful place that it was in 1900, and still is today.

Greenwood Townsite, c. 1897
BC Archives #A-05083
City Property Consisting of Both Business and Residence Unimproved
In a write up of any town or city one always expects to find the townsite company among the most prominent representatives, and in this respect the city of Greenwood is no exception. The townsite here is owned by Messrs. Woods & Galloway and the C. P. R. Co. Messrs. Wood & Galloway are prominent citizens and business men and have the future welfare of the city at heart, and we can assert with assurance that we will not be contradicted that the business of these gentlemen are at all times conducted upon honest, enterprising and liberal principles.
Mr. C. Scott Galloway is the manager for the firm and gives his entire attention to the management of the business. They have in almost every part of the city unimproved lots for sale, and from the fact of the numerous improvements going on, the building of additional smelters, and the fact that the pay-roll in this district is to be largely increased, if not doubled, in a short time there is no question but the opportunity for investment in Greenwood real estate is the best offered by any city in British Columbia. The town is and will always be the commercial centre of the eastern Boundary district, and what Denver is to Colorado and Butte is to Montana, Greenwood will be to many different camps of this section.
Mr. Galloway, the manager of the townsite, is a very pleasant and accommodating gentleman, takes great pains in answering all correspondence in regard to the city or country, and the information furnished is always reliable and we have no hesitancy in recommending our readers who contemplate coming to this section to put themselves in correspondence with this gentleman.
Established 1836 London Office 3 Clements Lane, Lombard St. C. E.
Court of Directors, J. H. Brodie, John James Carter, Gosfard Farrer, Richard H. Glyn, Henry I. R. Farrer, Ed Arthur Hoare, H. J. B. Kendall, J. J. Kingsford, Fred Lubbock and Geo. D. Whatsman. Secretary: A. G. Wallis. Head Office in Canada, St. James St. Montreal. H. Stikemari, general manager. J. Elmsley, inspector. J. Anderson, manager, Greenwood, B.C.
Among the live financial institutions of Canada, one which the people can look upon with confidence and pride is the Bank of British North America. It is one of the oldest and best known as well as the most reliable bank in the country and its career has been a most successful one, which reflects great credit upon the sound judgment and executive ability displayed in its management. The Bank of British North America has twenty three branch banks in Canada, representatives in London and Liverpool, England, and agents in all parts of the world, transacts-a general banking business, receiving upon favorable terms the accounts of banks and bankers, capitalists, corporations, merchants, manufacturers and individual deposits.
Special attention is given to collections, the bank having a perfect system of correspondence; deposits are received upon current accounts and on special certificates and exchanges are made on all parts of the globe. The Bank of British North America was incorporated by Royal charter with a paid up capital of $4,866,666, and has a reserve fund of $1,581,666. Every modern system of which banking has taken advantage is followed and every possible facility and convenience is extended to customers. Mr. J. Anderson the manager of the Greenwood branch is widely known and highly esteemed as an able financier and a vigorous exponent of the soundest principles governing banking.
Offices at Rossland and Greenwood Geo. R. Naden, Manager at Greenwood
Directors: R. J. Bealey, President; G. W. Richardson, Vice-President and John Elliott. Geo. R. Naden, manager, Greenwood, B. C.
Dealers in mines and mining stocks, real estate, insurance, loans, conveyancing, exchange, notary public and general financial agents.
Local agents: Canadian Birkbeck Investment and savings Co.
The management of an investment and trust company requires as much marked ability, promptness in action, keen perception and conservative judgement as any business transacted in Greenwood. Mr. Geo. R. Naden, manager of the Bealey Investment & Trust Co., Ltd., of Greenwood, is in an eminent degree possessed of these qualifications, and is also an excellent judge of mines, mining stocks and real estate, which has won for this company the confidence of capitalists and property owners. In a review to be circulated largely in and outside of the city, and designed to call attention to Greenwood as a mining and commercial centre, we take great pleasure in giving a brief mention of this well known and popular company.
The Bealey Investment & Trust Co., Ltd., since their inception, have characterized all their business transactions by honest and fair dealings, and with such a business policy have built up a large and lucrative trade. This firm buy and sell mines and mining stocks, make investments, pay taxes, collect rents, procure loans, and transact a general financial business, with marked ability and promptness. This company, as brokers, not only make loans for those who want money, but are prepared to make loans and procure good investments for those who wish to place their money to an advantage. As insurance agents, they represent such companies as the Phoenix Fire Assurance Co., of London, England; Western Assurance Co., of Toronto; British American Assurance Co., of Toronto; Liverpool and London and Globe Assurance Co., of London, England, which are acknowledged among the staunchest companies of the world. The Bealey Investment & Trust Co., Ltd., are largely interested in mines, as well as other properties, and have tor sale some considerable improved, and unimproved city property, both in business and residence, some of which can be bought at bargains.
We do not propose to utter fulsome compliments, but will say that this is one of the most reliable investment and trust companies, as well as financial agencies in the north-west. Their charges are light and their methods unsurpassed, for the competent and reliable management of important and responsible matters of that nature. This company, at the present time, have some particularly well located mining properties that can he bought at bargains. Parties interested will do well to investigate early.
They are also agents for the Canadian Birkbeck Investment & Savings Co., of Toronto, and Mr. Geo. R. Naden fills the position of secretary-treasurer for the resident advisory board of this company. In conclusion, we will but say that the management of this company is at once liberal, enterprising and honorable, and patrons will find the manager, Mr. Naden, a pleasant and accommodating gentleman, ever ready to extend to them every courtesy of the business, For any information in regard to opportunities for investment in the Boundary district, you are invited to correspond with this company.
The mountains are covered with a luxurant growth of fir, pine and tamarack, there also being a little to the west of us one of The finest cedar belts in British Columbia. There are numerous saw mills scattered over the entire district employing a large force of men in chopping and logging, and millions of feet of lumber are produced each year besides the enormous amount of timbers required for the mines, and in the different camps and towns are numerous plaining mills, sash and door factories, etc. The lumbering interests of this districts would in a few years alone support a town the size of Greenwood, and as the supply is almost inexhaustible, this industry is bound to continue to increase.
Peter Genelle, Pres. John Genelle, Vice-Pres. J. Poupore, Secretary. General Office Greenwood, B. C.
While this is a large lumber producing country, the Yale-Columbia Lumber Co., Ltd., is by odds the largest producers of rough arid dressed lumber in this portion of British Columbia. While their general office is located in Greenwood, they have mills and yards at Phoenix, Deadwood City, Eholt No. 1, Eholt No. 2, Long Lake, Rock Creek, Skylark camp, Nakusp, Robson, Ymir, Cascade and Rossland. There are few enterprises that contribute more essentially to the enterprise of the city than does the Yale-Columbia Lumber Co., Ltd. For the manufacture of the enormous output of this concern it requires a large force of men in chopping, logging and handling the material which they are constantly converting into rough and dressed lumber, and besides this force they also employ a large number of men in and around their different yards. This company are wholesale and retail dealers in rough and dressed lumber and all kinds of building material.
The business of this firm is conducted upon broad and liberal principals and a management that has built for them a trade that is worthy of their untiring energy and progressive business' ability. Patrons will find the local managers of this company accomodating, sociable and pleasant gentlemen with whom to transact business, ever ready to quote prices, in any quantity, as low as the lowest.
Saw Mills Located at Enderby Saw, Planing and Moulding Mills at Vernon Dealers in Sash, Doors, Windows and Shingles. Clinton A. S. Atwood, Manager, Greenwood
A sketch of the most enterprising establishments of and doing business in Greenwood would be incomplete indeed without mention was made of Smith & McLeod. This popular firm have saw mill located at Enderby, and also planing, saw and moulding mills at Vernon. The location of their mills is in the best cedar belt in British Columbia, and for this reason their product is positively unsurpassed. The supply is practically inexhaustible, which places this firm in a position to not only offer a superior article, but at prices which positively defy competition.
They manufacture windows, sash and doors, as well as all kinds of inside house furnishings and make a specialty of cedar goods. They are also prepared to build to order store fronts, bar and office furnishings, and keep constantly in stock a full line of mouldings, sash, doors, shingles and building material. This company are prepared to fill orders either in large or small quantities, on short notice and at the lowest prices.
The Greenwood house is under the management of Mr. Clinton A. S. Atwood, who is an experienced man in this line, courteous and pleasant to transact business with, and ever ready to give patrons his closest personal attention.
C. W. Stack, Proprietor and Manager
In writing the commercial history of Greenwood and her present enterprise, we find some firms who through honest dealings, low prices and superior workmanship in all their output, have steadily gained patronage and rank, until now they are solid and representative firms in their particular lines. One of these is the honorably conducted and well tried business of Mr. C. W. Stack, proprietor and manager of the Greenwood Sash and Door Factory. This plant was built and opened for business the first of last March, is supplied with all new machinery and all the latest improved devices which will in any way add to the perfecting of this plant, has been taken advantage of. This gentleman is prepared to do all kinds of planing, turning, band and scroll sawing, moulding and the making of all house furnishings. He also fits up stores, makes counters, office and bar fixtures, and makes a special feature of stair work, and in this line is exceedingly expert.
We have no hesitancy in saying that this is one of the most complete plants in the Boundary district, and their prices are reasonable. Patrons will find Mr. Stack agreeable, pleasant and a thorough business man, ever ready to go into details and assist customers with plans, etc. We would also say that no finer bar or office fixtures can be shipped into the city than can be turned out at this factory by home labor. This gentleman enjoys a fine line of business, and he certainly deserves it. When in need of anything in his line give him a call.

Greenwood street scene, c. 1898
BC Archives # C-08665
Dealers in Hardware, Mining Supplies, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Doors. Etc.
The hardware dealer occupies with respect to business the most important position of any in commerce and it is essential that with the progress and prosperity of the surrounding country there should be a central point or place where all the articles in the hardware line are within easy reach of the people. Such an establishment have we in the Russel Hardware Co., which is one of the most extensive of its kind in the city. The owners of this establishment are among the best known business men of Greenwood, and have had a large and varied experience in their line of business. They have in their well arranged store ample room for the judicious display of their well assorted stock of heavy and shelf hardware, stoves, ranges, cuttlery, builders and miners' supplies. They also carry a large assortment of plumbing goods, piping, steel and iron.
The Russell Hardware Co. also carry a full stock of paints, comprissing especially mixed paints for hacks, carriages and wagons as well as beautiful wood stains for furniture and fine interior furnishings.
They also have in connection a well equipped plant for the manufacturing of all kinds of tinware for sale and to order. The large variety of goods carried by this firm affords such selections that the most exacting and critical buyers are here satisfied both in goods and prices. The reputation of this firm for honorable business transactions and low prices has brought them a trade such as has not been attained by any other house of the kind in the city. The public have always found the management of this establishment capable, enterprising and reliable and the proprietors business men who for energy displayed in advancing the interests of that city which has the good fortune to reckon them among its most substantial business men.
W. E. Medill. Manager Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lime
Of the many industries that are not exactly in the city of Greenwood, but whose business is transacted in and through the city, we wish to call particular attention to the Snowflake Lime Co. This firm positively make the only white lime produced in this district. It is perfectly pure, and for that reason is superior to common lime for plastering, and the making of mortar, etc. This company's product is specially adapted for fluxing, and they are now supplying most all of the mines and smelters in and around this city. They are now running two kilns, and are building a large draw kiln, which will have a capacity of 125 barrels per day, which will give to this company a capacity of something over 200 barrels per day when this kiln is completed.
This company is very fortunate in their location, as they have positively the best material in this country to manufacture from, and have an enormous body of rock to draw from, which insures for them sufficient first-class material to run them for years. Their trade is constantly on the increase, and this company is necessarily owing to location, material and their long experience and thorough knowledge of the business, bound to become an important factor in the commercial interests of Greenwood. They do both a wholesale and retail business and are prepared to fill all orders, either for large or small quantities, on the shortest notice. Mr. W. E. Medill, the manager, is a thorough business man, and thoroughly understands the lime business in every sense of the term. Patrons will find him sociable, courteous, and ever giving his closest personal attention to all customers.
Electrical Construction and Supplies Mine Installation a Specialty
The city of Greenwood is a place in which every line of business is efficiently represented. In many instances these representative establishments are headquarters from which a large portion of outside trade is supplied in addition to the strictly local requirements. Among the most interesting establishments within the limits of our prosperous and still growing city, is the elegantly fitted up electrical supply house of Cunningham & Andersen, located on Copper street. This firm, besides being electrical constructors, carries a full line of electrical supplies, fixtures, motors, dynamos, etc. They also do house wiring and dynamo repairing; are agents for the celebrated Sunbeam incandesent lamps acknowledged to be the best on the market. There is nothing belonging to the electrical line that is not carried by this firm. They are personally expert electricians and make a specialty of mine installation, and have been very successful in constructing electric lights for different mines which have erected their own plants.
Messrs. Cunningham & Andersen are gentlemen of strict integrity in all their business transactions, and patrons will find supplies from them strictly first-class, and in all cases just as represented.
Sanitary Engineers, Plumbing, Heating and Ventiiatlng
The fast growing popularity of the above establishment has brought it most conspicuously before the general public and we therefore think it our duty to make a brief statement in its behalf. The superior manner in which Messrs. Tilsley and Bishop, the geniel proprietors have conducted their business and served the public has gained for them a wide and enviable reputation in Greenwood, and throughout the surrounding country for the superior class of goods handled as well as the skill and promptness shown in all work performed and as most reliable dealers.
This firm are sanitary engineers and Mr. Tilsley of the firm is city sanitary inspector. They do all kinds of plumbing, heating and ventilating, construct and repair water works, place in position and furnish hydraulic rams, air compressors, cut and thread pipes from an eighth to six inches in diameter, furnish all kinds of pipes and do all kinds of fittings, handle and set up force and lift pumps, carry in stock plumbing fixtures, beer pumps, steam and hot water boilers, bath tubs, etc. They also do steam heating and have just completed putting in a steam heating plant at the Granby house, Phoenix, and are now erecting' a plumbing and hot water system in the Naden-Flood building in this city.
This place is supplied with all the necessary machinery for the carrying on of their business, and all orders are filled with care and promptness. There is nothing pertaining to their line that is not either carried in stock or made to order, their charges are reasonable.
These gentlemen have had years of experience in their line of business and thoroughly understand it in every particular and patrons will find them liberal, enterprising and ever willing to aid customers in planning or estimating contracts. They are sociable and pleasant to transact business with and never fail to give satisfaction.
Successor to H.C. Holden The Leading House, Sign and Ornamental Painter and Paper Hanger
The leading artists in the above line and the most thoroughly representative has from their inception been the above establishment.
Mr. H. C. Holden owing to other business interests will leave Greenwood about November 15th and Mr. Dave Reid who has for some time been connected with the company will take Mr. Holden's interest and conduct the business alone. From the start this firm have been recognized as the most prominent in the business having developed to a position of great magnitude. The work is that of artistic sign writing of which a decided specialty is made, also house plain and fancy painting, mural decorations, hardwood finishing, graining, staining and other interior finishings of buildings, and having always maintained the very highest standard of excellence in the various departments of their professions. Their clientage is a most extensive one and includes among its members many of our best and most distinguished citizens. These gentlemen hold a great name for fitting up walls and wainscotts and their beautiful frescouids is much admired both for private residences and public resorts.
This firm also carry a large stock of wall paper, dadoes, ceiling squares, ornamental and elegant designs in borders, etc. Mr. Ried possesses an unusual amount of artistic talent as a paper hanger, decorator, and ornamental as well as plain painter, is completely reliable and very expert, and well merits the extensive patronage which this firm have permanently secured.
Patrons both old and new will receive the same courteous and fair treatment from the new management that has always characterized this firm's method of doing business.
[1] The Greenwood Mercantile Review, Supplement to The Greenwood Times October 31, 1900, pp. 5-8 (excerpted and edited slightly)